
FIDE Online Arena Titles

@QEDemonstrandum yes 👍 good point that you can’t show OTB strength on Lichess but following your logic why you showing OTB titles of grandmasters on Lichess? FIDE have extended their titles to include Fide Online Arena and they do show them at tournaments still because the provision is still there for FIDE tournaments directors to show your FIDE Online Arena title.

Look I’m just asking the question because it’s weird to be showing a GM IM WGM WIM FM WFM NM CM titles from another place when we have LM title and can see their online Elo. If you’re going to show all these why stop at those which are OTB titles why not include actual legit online titles from the world governing body of chess?

Why doesn’t Lichess create their own set of titles instead of the rather underwhelming LM title.
Maybe Lichess Grandmaster, Lichess IM etc.
@michuk Its a scam of course FIDE reconize theses titles otb it’s they own platform!

It make absolutely sense that Lichess deserves the right to disregard theses dubious titles born for the only reason of getting more found into FIDE.

Plus the requirement and the price to attain them, while playing on litteraly an abandoned, poorly made platform is simply ridiculous.

Dont get tricks by the appealing fact to get a fake title, your otb opponent will be the first one to make fun of it.
@pendru if my opponent makes fun of my title and I want it displayed sounds like it’s a win win scenario lol
@pendru well technically, the only 2 real titles in the world of chess are IM and GM... CM and FMs are also scams since you have to pay to get them...
By the way, if fide doesn't give those two titles for free, then it shows that you can't be recognised as a master yet and it only exists to boost your ego and be able to play in titled arenas...
But true, arena titles are pointless since you only need a performance of 1100 to get ACM!!!
One has to pay for IM and GM as well. Typically those fees are paid by national association. FM/IM/GM are the important ones as they affect if tournament can be classified so that making a 'norm' is possible.
@gothica31 yes FIDE Online Arena titles like ACM are for low rated players from 1100 saying that doesn’t I make it valueless. It’s like Fide decided to extend the titles to recognise and democratise the FIDE titles. There is a lot of snobbery in this debate and it doesn’t seem there are objections not based on Elo shaming lower rated chess players.
I think giving everyone a title is the definition of valueless. Titles are meant to indicate strong performance and are therefor something rare and special. If you give a title to everyone, they became meaningles.
@QEDemonstrandum I think you are missing the point here. FIDE have created these official online titles for their online platform and in addition to their OTB titles. Lichess an online platform uses the OTB Fide titles but not the FIDE online one. It is possible that had FIDE made the FOA (fide online arena) titles to mirror the OTB titles we might not be having the conversation. The idea of calling something that is of value to some people as valueless shows the kind of chess community we have that is not yet thinking of the lower rated players. It is not enough to denigrate their existence and call their FOA titles valueless but now we have to expunge their titles. Have a little compassion and think about the bigger picture.
lots of energy spent on title not on chess.
we all know the ultimate title is OGM (online gm), and i hereby promote the arab queen Parham for blitz title (BAQOGM).Second in line is Raunak for 960uogm, and Tigran for ROGM. (rapidonline grandmaster. anyone to second this?

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