
do you play online chess with a real chess board?

Actually, getting a real board set up by the computer is on my 'to do' list.... I am not a tournament player so rearranging the board in my mind is not a skill I intend to highly develop
I got used to the chessboard online, don't need a real board anymore
___ Is this a comedic contest?? Best answer wins a trip to gay Paris??
Do you ... board? No I play with shaving cream on the rim of my glasses and my hair going in every direction as a tribute to
Einstein... If we get webcams my intimidation factor will overrule my lack of skill
Well if it *was* a comedic contest, I believe you'd win it, Isaiah.
Are you kidding LM F_D89?

Listen for the noise that it's my turn, which I might miss if I'm listening to loud music.
Take my eyes off the chessboard and find and focus on the computer display.
Find what opponent did.
With my eyes find and refocus my eyes back on my physical board.
Remember what my opponent did and find the exact to and from squares(which takes greater effort if it's something less distinct like one pawn in an area of the board crowded with pawns).
Grab the piece(s) and place it down on the proper square.
Then get reoriented psychologically to analyzing the physical board.
Once I've decided what I'm going to do then switch eye direction and focus once again from my 3d board to a 2d screen.
Put arms and hands(and perhaps shift body a little) in a position to grasp the pointing device.
Remember and find the exact to and from squares again.
Place the piece onto the proper square.
Stay focused on the 2d computer screen waiting for opponent, (probably less comfortable) OR change my focus back and forth once again if I want to look at physical board while waiting for opponent.
Repeat all this ~ 50 times, X number of games.

No way would I want to do it like that , it would be wayyyy too annoying, but a dgt board eliminates ALMOST ALL of that inconvenience. It's night and day. No comparison.
#9 chunkymonkey
You're way off... it was the French Riviera.

Actually, that photo wasn't meant to represent a high end dgt board.. I just picked the first photo I found just to demonstrate the concept of what a dgt board is to OP.
But then again, I'm so broke I'd probably have to win the lottery even to buy that one :)
@15 Sorry, I do not see the problem in a classical time setting. The way you describe it, it seems like true horror to play without a DGT board. It would make for a good marketing strategy.
#17 chunkymonkey
Never saw that kind. On the world chess championship website they showed an automated mechanical arm chess machine, that reminded me of 'the turk'. The ultimate laziness would be if they combined an automated phsical board with a wearable brainwave reading device- oh baby!

#18 LM F_D89
Lol, I guess I was being a bit dramatic. Not true horror, but just not something that I'd enjoy. I guess if I played really long games it might be different.

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