
do you know good chess jokes?

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What sort of underwear does Giri wear?

Two beginners:

“I improved my English, Spanish, French, Russian and Italian.”

“Then you must be a genius!”


“You can speak so many languages…”

“I am talking about chess openings and not languages.”
A dumb man is seated next to the world chess champion in a flight.
And the world champion asks the dumb fellow if he’d like to play a game of chess to pass the time.

The dumb fellow politely denies saying he can’t compete with a world champion.

The world master insists. But the guy refuses.

The world master proposes to level the field by promising that he’ll not use his usual hand, his right hand, to play.
And would play instead using his left hand.

The dumb guy likes the proposal and begins the game.
Only to be defeated in just a few moves.

Very impressed by the world champion he goes back to his place and tells his friend about the quick defeat he’s received at the hands of the world master.

He says that “the world master was so humble that to level the field he decided to play with his left hand.”
“That even with his left hand he just took a few moves to defeat me”.

The friend says that the dumb fellow has been tricked.

He asks how.

The friend says that “the world master is a lefty”.

Why is the white bishop piece in chess the fastest?
Because it's on F1.

Which rockstar is the best chess player?
Bob Seger, because he’s always working on them knight moves.

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