
Cheating has increased since the Hans vs Magnus match.

Paranoia of cheating has increased a lot, lot more. Every other day I see a fourm or two about cheating, mostly basically saying the cheating detection algorithm is trash. No it is not. Most humans are no better than a coin flip at determining who is cheating or not, if we ignore the obvious cheaters ( 0,0,0 in many games in a row, consistent time spending, etc ) the Lichess community should have trust in the cheating detection algorithm,it is better tha most humans, and many other algorithms too. I believe it is able to detect most cheaters, and even the small number of false positives can be resolved via appeal, thanks to our great moderators. Many thanks to the patrons, moderators, and devs for funding, maintaining and updating this free,mostly cheater-free, great site. <3
> Cheating has increased since the Hans vs Magnus match.

Do we really know that or is it just speculation?
I am pretty sure there are at least a *few* more cheaters, maybe a 5-10% increase, by the frequency of my rating refunds and "the account you reported got banned", but I am not sure, It could very well be how much I improved (1900-2100). @Overcooker
Its probably bebause theres more people more people= more cheating and chess has risen alot since covid
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that Hans not suffering any serious reprocusions and actually being rewarded for his multiple cheating has emboldened others to cheat.
its not paranoia. Script-chess is nothing but a cheat fest of broke dysfunctional humans. I've played 700 games and have 200 on my block list.

its a free site and you def get what you pay for. The cheats are increasing here because has improved their cheat detection and the banned cheats are coming here...hahahahha because its FREE!

Script-chess forced me to restart my premium acct on

Ornicar--how do you have the GULL to solicit donations for the garbage that this site serves up in the form of MASSIVE cheating :(
@willywonka2023 The lichess cheat detection is very close to cheat detection. It is ever so slightly better. I am rated a 100 points above you and have 20 times the games, I highly doubt I have played 200 cheaters, probably closer to 150, about 0.1% of games, which is to be expected. Earlier it was maybe 0.08 - 0.09% , but paranoia of cheating has increased a lot more. This is exactly what i wrote in my first post, which by the looks of it, you didnt read. by your loss/block ratio you are one of the most paranoid people, only beat by the if I lose they cheat people. The cheat-detection algorithm, is a many times better than a human at determining whether who is cheating and who isn't.

Script-chess is infected with bots. Raccoon City is clean compared to this place.

I play online chess to play HUMANS. Those are VERY rare on this site.

Chess is VERY hard. Most humans are stupid. Yet everyone here is a genius. BS.

Ornicar should be ashamed soliciting donations. It is akin to stealing.

Clean up the site.

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