
Cheating has increased since the Hans vs Magnus match.

@willywonka2020 said in #10:
> I play online chess to play HUMANS. Those are VERY rare on this site.
i find lichess has the strongest player base among online chess sites.. & i think that it's due to the following..
1. very precise rating system (glicko-2 is the most sophisticated system today)
2. early in age of lichess, i think most players who joined knows chess & have a good experience & passion to chess.
3. strict standard chess categories such as (ultrabullet, bullet, blitz, rapid, classic & correspondence chess), i think most of the sites doesn't have ultrabullet & classic categories (this may increase the intensity of tournament contest)
4. fair lag compensation, during gaming everyone in this world will be on the same distant from lichess no matter where he lives (no advantage of time due to closeness to Lichess servers)
@willywonka2020 said in #7:

> its a free site and you def get what you pay for. The cheats are increasing here because has improved their cheat detection and the banned cheats are coming here...hahahahha because its FREE!
> is free as well. Truly small minority pays for the services there.
And as cheats increasing kind NULL statement as you cannot possibly provide any tangible proof of this - equally hard to do in other direction as well

lichess is a festering den of cheats. Is that polite enough.

I've purchased a premium acct at At least they pretend to care about cheats.

Oh and how come overcooker was allowed to ask if I was stupid. Doesn't that violate the ToS.

Where are the financials for 2023. I want to see how much donations have dropped due to the cheats.
@willywonka2020 said in #23:
> @bufferunderrun
Don't ping mods/devs, they have those notifications off anyway

> lichess is a festering den of cheats. Is that polite enough.
No it is not. What is the proof you have? If you can give me concrete evidence that I am unable to refute, other than "Oh BeCAusE I fEel i aM PlAYinG cHeaTS AlL tHe tImE" I have seen that excuse way too many times.

> I've purchased a premium acct at At least they pretend to care about cheats.
Cool, atleast you pretend premium is not a rip-off

> Oh and how come overcooker was allowed to ask if I was stupid. Doesn't that violate the ToS.
Yes, it is against fourm etiquette to insult someone ( I am really stretching the definition of insulting here, overcooker was obviously joking ) , but lichess let's a few minor violations of etiquette every once in a while slip, if it didn't, you would be banned by now. BTW you are really stretching the definition of "every once in a while"

> Where are the financials for 2023. I want to see how much donations have dropped due to the cheats.
It's going to be basically the same, if not more than last year's, which is listed here, just scroll about 3/4ths of the page to find it.
If you still insist on getting this year's financial report, wait until the full year has gone by for more accurate results, by which lichess will publish a blog with the details.
@petri999 said in #21:
> is free as well. Truly small minority pays for the services there.

I know it's an old comment, but I just read it and wanted to add a different framing to the above. The above isn't wrong, but can be framed a different way.

with most websites including, if they run ads, they collect and sell your data. you pay to play on with your person and private information. I would guess even if you pay with money you still pay with your personal and private information.

lichess as far as I know only collects data for themselves for things like detecting if a banned person creates a new account, and doesn't sell it to third parties.

most ads are trackers and data collectors. not all, but most. it's possible to run ads that don't do any tracking or data collecting but they are in the minority and probably called sponsors rather than advertisers. those are more about marketing than advertising I think. more about brand awareness than immediate sales.
The cheats are disgusting and this site seems lax about them.

Gata Kamsky said this site is not playable on any level due to cheats. I decided to try playing here and I agree with Gata.

Its a wonderful website but imo, its dominated by cheats. Cheats are like thieves. They rob you of your time and energy.

I don't mean to be disrespectful but I think its grossly disrespectful to be misleading about the HIGH numbers of cheats on this site while at the same time prominently soliciting donations.

I trust Gata.
@h2b2 said in #25:

> with most websites including, if they run ads, they collect and sell your data.
True but as I have used a adblocker of some kind ever since 2004 I sometimes forget what the web looks like for the uninitiated. Most websites are unreadable with ads-on.

As the title issue I am still short of evidence by those who claim that site is full of cheats. What Gata Kamsky thinks is not here nor there. He does not have magic skill for telling cheaters apart. The obvious one that just copy engine moves for sure but those get marked in a day or two. For smarter one the only way to collect evidence is via statistical means and humans are very bad estimating statistical probabilities with out concrete analysis. Top chess player often lack needed math/statistic skill to even do educatet estimates.
@petri999 said in #27:
> True but as I have used a adblocker of some kind ever since 2004 I sometimes forget what the web looks like for the uninitiated. Most websites are unreadable with ads-on.

i use an ad blocker too, but it doesn't stop tracking and selling your data, it does save your eyes and cpu.

> As the title issue I am still short of evidence by those who claim that site is full of cheats. What Gata Kamsky thinks is not here nor there. He does not have magic skill for telling cheaters apart. The obvious one that just copy engine moves for sure but those get marked in a day or two. For smarter one the only way to collect evidence is via statistical means and humans are very bad estimating statistical probabilities with out concrete analysis. Top chess player often lack needed math/statistic skill to even do educatet estimates.

i think the title was mistyped. i thought it was about people being overly suspicious when they lose.
Cheating has always been a big problem on lichess. But Lichess is more interested in attacking people who say cheating is a problem on lichess than on actually tackling the problem of cheating. They change the definations, they ignore the problem, they even have people on the forum attacking people and if all else fails they simply remove posts. So yeah that is the stance lichess has at the moment.

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