

Ahahahhaha, one pranker was caught sitting in a toilet with his pants down. Somebody took a picture of it and posted all over the internet:))) Poor prankers, ahahahah
@cochinidla said in #51:
> Ahahahhaha, one pranker was caught sitting in a toilet with his pants down. Somebody took a picture of it and posted all over the internet:))) Poor prankers, ahahahah
You seem to have , selectively?, missed the part where I qualified my statement with the phrase, "in online chess where no money is involved". That was not online and there probably was a prize.
If you talk about something different than what I talked about, then guess what? What I said will not apply.
Detecting cheaters is quite tricky, because as you said, they can just use the third or fourth best computer move. What's even worse is that good chess players know how to smartly cheat. They can probably make some small blunders that the computer hates on purpose so they don't get detected. Furthermore, since good chess players have the "skills" to play well, then nobody will ever suspect them. (Thanks Shadow1414)
@QualityZone1 said in #46:
> Lets face the facts, cheating is as old as the game
> There have been chess-related deaths due to cheating hundreds of years ago.
> People try to cheat at cards, other boardgames, exams and the list goes on.

True all of you play with computer assistance , your reading this on your computer screen. Aren't you.
@justme23 said in #54:
> True all of you play with computer assistance , your reading this on your computer screen. Aren't you.

If i wanted to cheat , i would have to buy a 2nd phone or an electronic chess board, which i dont think i'll be doing.
There are plenty of mephistos on the market.

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