

Let's consider the hypothetical scenario where nothing more can be done to prevent cheaters given the resources available to Lichess. In that case, is there more or less cheating after a thread detailing how easy it is to cheat is made?
@Splorer said in #31:
> Let's consider the hypothetical scenario where nothing more can be done to prevent cheaters given the resources available to Lichess. In that case, is there more or less cheating after a thread detailing how easy it is to cheat is made?

this dystopian scenario is fortunately not accurate as there will always be ways to outsmart people who are unwilling to put in the effort to gain fictional rating points. so i advise from trying to terminate the discussion. im certain that you just heard it all too often and probably got annoyed by the whole back and forth of it all and i understand. i still dont think its a reason to try and stop the discussion about it, because there are several better courses of action:

- Adress peoples fears of being cheated.
- Share your own experiences.
- Encourage people to analyze games, use game analysis forum, report games that seem fishy and support lichess.
- spread insights (e.g. like thibault did here:
@Andros88 said in #1:
> Cheating.
> Hi everyone. There are many players (if you can call them that) who use computers. You will say: you know what a discovery you have made. Yes, in theory they are banned but, I have found that they use computers in a way that cannot be discovered. What do they basically do? Openings are their own way but, from here on, they consult the computer for the best moves. They try their ideas, if they see that they are not losing pieces or are not at a disadvantage, they make that move, a move that the computer considers good but, never would. That way they are very strong, and I cannot be caught. A friend of mine who was playing here showed it to me and said: "look how easy it is to cheat online without getting caught". Is there any way to understand when these dishonest ones are in front of you? It has happened to me several times, they make bad openings then become very strong. Could it be for this reason? Thank you all.

I think a trained eye can detect most of even the subtle ones.
@Glosuer said in #14:
> I play here and at I pay too. It used to be better here on Lichess. But then the situation changed not for the better. I still hope for the best.

Are there 2 different chesscom sites? You said that you play here and on chesscom and also on chesscom.
@JuergenWerner said in #34:
> Are there 2 different chesscom sites? You said that you play here and on chesscom and also on chesscom.

Play and Pay.

My interlocutor above wrote: "but you pay them money" and I answered that I pay too.
I know! just make them suffer by flagging them!
and yeah, im not kidding. Once he is losing he will have to take some time to look at the engine. Once that happens, try to be accurate and get into "defensive" mode to flag 'em!
of course you should report them afterwards.
I've never reported anyone for cheating. I give people the benefit of the doubt because it's possible for them to rally after playing poorly and I often get overconfident and sloppy when ahead in material.

That being said, I've gotten multiple notifications that I've been awarded points back from playing cheaters. So Lichess does work to detect and ban cheaters.

Like others have said, online slow/rapid chess is impossible to catch all cheaters, its the nature of the beast. Best to just not worry if someone is cheating and just enjoy the game.
Ya, many people use computers, because of them all the fun is banned for us.

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