
Can you think about an impossible position ?

@hangrad read what you are asking for and it is not what I said which was

"How about this - try and find a position with no moves period. White to move but white has no moves - I dont mean legal moves I literally mean no moves. I do know a position like this after coming close in a game."

I dont know where the checks in your comment came from.
@smagol I am sorry I misunderstood this comment. I cannot imagine a position in which illegal moves cannot be made. I imagine a quick chess game with a hustler in a park who quickly places a new queen on the chess board out of sleeve and wins by checkmate. It's impossible to do it in online games. But this can be done over the board.
how abt a position with two white queens and all black pawns in their starting position?
First looks possible:
1... Nh8
2. gxh8=R#
Second looks impossible because I cannot figure out how white rook got to h8.
@doozer #6

> "Just imagine a position which matches the starting position only with the black knight moved from g8 to f6."

That is a very legal position and it is possible to obtain. Here's how:

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. Ng1

Easy enough?

For the first one I made a study to show that the position is legal

The second one is impossible as the white rook on h8 must have been the last piece to move as the black king is in check from it, and nothing could have moved to reveal a discovered check. It could not have come from the h file as h7 is occupied, and the other squares on the h file are blocked by the rook on h7. The h8 rook also could not have come from the 8th rank as the only square it could have moved from on the 8th rank is g8, which is closer to the black king than h8, meaning that the black king would have already been in check on the previous ply if the black rook came from the 8th rank. This leaves the only option that the rook was a pawn on the last ply, and captured a piece on h8 to promote to a rook, however if the black rook had been a pawn on the previous ply, it must have been on g7 during the last ply, which would mean that the black king would have been on check during the previous move. So the rook could not have gotten to h8 without either the rules involving check, or the rules involving how the pieces move being violated, meaning that the position is impossible.

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