
Can you think about an impossible position ?

@soni777 There are billions of ways to reach this position. With either player to move and with the white king on either d8 or e1.
Probably you are referring to castling rights but then you would have to rephrase the problem/question.
@NobodyReally the problem shouldn't need to be rephrased, as the FEN says that white has castling rights on both flanks.
@NobodyReally that's what makes this puzzle difficult :)
2r3r1/8/8/8/8/4k3/4b3/R3K2R b KQ - 0 1 is the FEN, which is displayed at the bottom of the screen below the analysis board. KQ means white can castle kingside or queenside while black cannot castle.
Anyway, if white indeed has castling rights on both sides, then the position is impossible with black to move and is an easy draw (Rh3+) with white to move.
any position with 3 connected pawns on someone's 2nd rank and 1 pawn on the 3rd rank above the middle pawn is unachievable (all pawns are his)

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