
Can someone explain CM to me again?

Rofl @Katzenschinken!

Btw. there is one thing which I dont understand since we are in the same country.
I wonder why the hell our national rating matters for getting an FM title?
You can apply for an FM in Germany only when you have 2200+ DWZ and back then, as FIDE-ratings existed only for people above 2000 it was much easier to get the "inflated" 2300 FIDE.
And we still have no NM-titles. :<
@Funkmaus "I wonder why the hell our national rating matters for getting an FM title?"

Personally I think the reason is a bit of arrogance on the side of the DSB (for non-Germans: the german chess federation). Basically they are saying: "Only we in Germany can make sure that the title has been earned rightfully. Nobody who plays under our auspices will cheat his way to a title by taking part in a dubious tournament somewhere in the world where he gets his rating and his title norms without us supervising the whole thing."

So for the DSB you have to have a certain DWZ in order to apply for a title.
In fact this could turn out to be the higher hurdle. Quality management made in Germany!
Thank you for telling your opinion, dear Katzenschinken - you explanation sounds very reasonable!
Still, how can DSB be over FIDE? How a national decision of some "quality-managed" federation can overrule the general requirements for a title. This, I guess, deserves to be discussed in a separate topic.

Oh well, dear @TackoFall - we have just a different opinion on that matter.
In case you are still an improving player I can only wish you good skills and best of luck on your way to IM/GM.
Have to admit, that I used to think like you when I was younger - like noooo, I will never apply for WFM and btw. WCM didnt even existed back then!
But believe me, once you have reached the ceiling and dont find yourself getting better you will take what you can get - and there are those gender-specific, lower, unreal, unfair, not-important titles which give you benefits of being a titled player. Nothing to be proud of, but thanks much that those titles exist. :-)
Yes, a friend of mine did not want to apply for his IM title, as he wanted GM straight away. Later he settled for IM anyway because of the perks.
The link posted by @Sarg0n in #34 has to be seen in connection with section 0.62 of the FIDE Title Regulations (, because the case mentioned by @TackoFall in #36 (Elo 1400 winning Pan American U8) would no longer lead to an immediate CM title:

"For a direct title to be awarded immediately an applicant has to have achieved at some time or other a minimum rating as follows:
GM 2300
IM 2200
FM 2100
CM 2000
WGM 2100
WIM 2000
WFM 1900
WCM 1800

If an applicant is rated lower the title is awarded conditionally and will be awarded finally on request by the respective federation as soon as the minimum rating is achieved. Any player with a conditional title may take a lower title when they reach the required rating for that lower title."
<Comment deleted by user>
Any rated player can teach a player that has more than 250 point's less than the teacher by definition (of how the elo system works and what it represents in terms of strength)

Now if his/her abilities to convey/teach is good or bad depends on the person and its background in theory in any case if the elo gap is big enough he can surely at least give lots of useful tips to the lower rated player.

As for the titling system imho all the titles besides GM (and maybe WGM ) are just vanity labels FIDE probably added not to lose any user-base since chess is not so popular (in absolute terms ) so that people that dont have the courage of becoming a GM dont cry and ragequit.

Elo is enough to signify your strength GM just signifies that you are a complete player in terms of endurance (in competitions time/mental pressure) theory execution strategy etc. There is no need for other titles than that.
We don't need to debate on the matter chessypaino is the reason for this discussion and seeing his post that he wanted to teach but doesn't want to work hard for the title that's sad I mean? You will not go anywhere even as a chess player keep wanting and not getting it. All title players don't need explaining to people as low as they are just play a good old fashion chess game. Ciao!!!
#50, a one time license fee of 100 Euro. This is nothing compared to the fees FIDE charges for Elo evaluation or conctant licensing for arbiters.

PS: got the money multiple times back saving entry fees and diamond membership

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