
Bot to (semi) automatically cheat online in blitz

@HCB1983 said in #59:
> Dude you need to get a life. Study chess to be good at it if you want so Mr "professional player". Get real about things. You live in delusion. Need a girlfriend, some human connection. Over 7 hundred posts battling with people you don't know is not sane. Bad faith and sad life. Cannot accept facts. Hide stuff with words. And you are not angry with Carlsen or naka. You envy them because you are so little. You hate yourself. Improve at something and stop crying non stop for months on the web.
> And smart cheating happens all the time, is undetectable, like wesley so thinks. As everybody who is not idiotic assumes. But you know better from the computer of the attic of your parents. What a bloke!
You couldn't be further from the truth. You have consistently taken a shots in the dark about everything and everyone, and then when you are proven wrong you double down with the insults.

The truth can stand and habitual liars like you, can be dealt with effectively.
<Comment deleted by user>
HCB1983 said in #5, in #11, in #19, in #24, in #29, in #31, in #45, in #47, in #50, in #59, said in #60
I have listed some of your ridiculous statements so that you can read them over and see if they are what you actually meant to say, in the hope you can understand why people treat you like an idiot. For example, you are wrong about the following, and maintaining these beliefs is ignorant as you have been offered resources to review about the cheat detection you have asked for:
“with the best of reasoning that online chess is broken”
“selective cheating for critical positions cannot be controlled in any way.”
“There is no way to prevent selective cheating”
“a lot of teenage kids (mentally at least) think that defending this site is like going to the spanish civil war.”
“as far as of evidence, man. Open an account. play a game”
“Calling the police, denouncing, that is a very privileged attitude. It is Cancel culture.”
“I will move on to other things more important than debating this. I have better things to do than to chat with imaginary people.”
“Something so specific as detecting engine use cannot be kept in shadows and accepted. “
“I, a regular club player and way more proficient players conclude that selective cheating cannot be detected, that it never was.”
“Selective, occasional cheating cannot be solved at any site any time soon.”
“Some people in this forum are in cheating denial, the heavy posting guys usually.”
“put a couple of engine moves in your game (let' say four,three, five), its obvious that that goes undetected. “

People have explained how you are wrong and asked for evidence of your claims, and instead of providing any, and while you have accused them of being rude and insulting this is what you have offered:
“Instead of accepting the truth some dogmatic people like you kill the messangers and want to make us to close our eyes to evidence
“We have to be as narrow minded as to believe a random guy on internet knows better about what is cheating
“Accept that and stop censoring, this is not a church and you are nor a preacher
“To the best of my knowledge you were not the designated curator of this forum
“Pro chess players expressed concerns about online cheating. Caruana, Kramnik, besides plain common sense. Your seem to know better.
“That is very passive agressive in a digital world. And plain rude.
“If you are not a child, and even being a child, its just an admission of lack of mental control and balance. More obvious than a mate in one.
“Why dont you share your expertise on geopolitcs, since you seem to be a modern Polymath?
“A final piece of advise; go enjoy the analog world to enhance your very narrow black and white worldview
“Stop policing the forum without being elected by any means to do that!
“ It's clear you are not emotionally stable to teach at any levels, you know, preaching your facts non stop
“Since you are such a social justice warrior (but no populist one, I know...) why don't you sign for the donbas war.
“Or are you just a keyboard warrior/teacher/polymath?
“It’s not the second coming of Christ in the earth or the socialist revolution.
“Calling the police, denouncing, that is a very privileged attitude. It is Cancel culture.
“I will move on to other things more important than debating this.
“I have better things to do than to chat with imaginary people.
“Some people in this forum are in cheating denial, the heavy posting guys usually.
“Very rude, very cocky, very misleading comments.
“Like that of a teenager which you might be (I hope so).
“Only a naive "mathsy" guy, who has a very undistinguished "carreer'
“I know, you watch videos of chess detection, somehow you believe that makes you proficient on the subject
“It' a dogmatic behaviour associated with heavy posters
“the mod hater also the wanna-be-modder
“cheat denialist and poster on morals like you but way more composed
“you have opinions for everything, cannot hold arguments, and have a general bad faith.
“I can always go you your post history, to laught at you ability to get ridiculed week after week
“It should be easier than parking a bus. You will figure it out.
“Dude you need to get a life
“Study chess to be good at it if you want so Mr "professional player"
“Get real about things
“You live in delusion
“Need a girlfriend, some human connection
“Bad faith and sad life
“Cannot accept facts
“Hide stuff with words
“You envy them because you are so little
“You hate yourself
“Improve at something and stop crying non stop for months on the web
“As everybody who is not idiotic assumes
“But you know better from the computer of the attic of your parents

You have further offered us the path to understanding this lack of evidence, in spectacularly ironic fashion:
“Instead of accepting the truth some dogmatic people like you kill the messangers and want to make us to close our eyes to evidence
“We have to be as narrow minded as to believe a random guy on internet knows better about what is cheating
“Modern inquisitors on a very small sect
“Insulting in a forum is not brave nor intelligent.
“It ' s not intelligent because you resort to that when you lose an argument.
“You mystify, talk about ... stuff you claim to know."

And just for good measure, you thought to cover some other bases:
“My best greetings to the wonderful people of Germany, Home of Hegel, Nietszche, Wagner, Bismark, Kant, ... the mathematician out of work!
“The right to disagree with another person s arguments is not a color in your rainbow flag you proudly display?
“Some people think OJ was framed. A jury also, so, for those who don't believe with something with passion, no amount of hints will prove them otherwise. That is my take on the issue."

So now that you think we are all sold on the evidence, what is the way you recommend to help against cheaters?
“A good thing would be to have a transparent discussion of the real limits of cheating so a person may know how wisely to invest his time playing."
How brainless would you have to be to think that that wouldn’t help cheaters?
<Comment deleted by user>
@HCB1983 said in #64:
> So there is no cheating at all, but talking common sense helps cheating that by your own standards never exists online or over the board. Hush, go cry to mommy or the mods. You have the maturity of a child. Go play videogames and watch porn.
Again, you have said I have said something I didn't say, and then followed it up with an insult to try to mask your lie. That's why I quoted you, so you can see that you are not making sense. If you don't try to get out of it, you may end up a pariah. Try to find something you can prove, and start from there. You need to try to stop lying about things and people and be honest with yourself.

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