
Black Lives Matter

I don't want to even comment on a topic as charged as BLM and i am definitely against racism, but I wanted to point out that there exists racism towards white people as well, which is, for good or bad, amazingly unacknowledged, many white people feel under attack now - being called privileged, white supremacists etc. when it often isn't the case - my girlfriends is asian (austronesian to be more exactly) and I have met pretty strong anti-white hatred against myself either alone or together with her while being outside of Europe, and having had racial slurs shouted at me like hundreds of times, there are racial slurs against whites too:
@Chillkroete77 Ok I see why you make so many mistakes when presenting your arguments if that news article (#326) is the best information you have on your position. I would suggest you read my sources (#325) thoroughly then we may be able to have a discussion.
Supporting BLM and being for equality (and against racism) is not one and the same.

One can be against racism and at the same time not support BLM as an (para)political organization. That being said, I am sorry to see lichess once again takes a political stand (remember supporting Greta Thunberg's movement?) on a site which should be dedicated to chess and be free of politics and ideologies. This makes me sad.
Jeezes... "Oh no, if we dont say black lives matters people are going to hate us and think WE are the racists"

"Booohoo, all lives matter!"

All a bunch of nervous children, grow up and play the awesome game of chess instead.
Lichess! Stay OUT of this stuff! You are here to give us this great chess server, and NOT here to say, "Black lives matter"!
As if, ONLY black lives MATTER!!!!!
Look. Everyone who did their homework KNOWS police brutality is not racially exclusive. Black cops shoot black civilians at roughly the same rate as white cops (a study was done) and white men get shot by the hundreds, too. Police shoot more whites than blacks every year. Black women? Very rare for them to get shot. It's clear that the discrimination is primarily anti-male and anti-poor, not anti-black. If it were all about race, we would see black women shot a lot more often than white men, but the stats show the opposite is the case--white men get shot much more than black women.

The real problem is a sick police culture in the US which turns cops into bullies. Police shooting rates are much higher in the US compared to Canada, Australia, UK, and EU. There is no need to racialize this, as blacks, whites, and Hispanics all get mistreated by US law enforcement at unusually high rates (compared to other countries)
@BermudaGhostShip White privilege in America exists, it doesn't mean life isn't hard for lots of people of all colors\, it just means that the color of their skin is not one the things making it hard for whites. it's not racist and it's not attacking whites.

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