
Black Lives Matter

@TCF_Namelecc -- Where do you see "opposition to equality"?

On the contrary, a part of the conversation was exactly ABOUT equality: #AllLivesMatter (not just Black) and #AllHumanRightsMatter (not just this one).
Oh as sad as it makes me... equality is never going to happen... people can argue with me and we can go round and round, but the fact is that the world is just too divided and you cant get everyone on the same page no matter what you do. Now that does not mean we should stop trying lol.
If black lives don't matter, then how do all lives matter? Let's solve the problems one at a time.
again @TCF_Namelecc
By singling out one color you are saying the others can wait... Can you not see how that can anger all the others... so no instead of trying to fix one problem you are just creating 10 others... And this is the problem, people dont care about people, people care about themselves lol. Its really sad but just the truth...
@Lonerdruid Again: This is about the US. If the message is always "All lives matter", it's technically a good cause but failing to understand that black people are disadvantaged in the US.
@Cynosure Maybe you and I have different definiton of "systemic", but I don't think police officers being more harsh towards black people is a "systemic" issue unless they are being told to act this way.

Also if you could link any data on that it would be great. I don't know why those stats aren't published in posts like this. It should be the most important thing.

Well, if it's illegal to target one race, then it's not systemic, is it? You said there was a court case about voter suppression, so it means that those practices are treated as a crime, right?
@nowyfolder But that's only a technicality. It being illegal to specifically target one racial group doesn't mean that it's not happening. Of course voter suppression is illegal but that also doesn't mean that it's not happening. And if laws are made that suppress the vote of a certain group of people, that's a systemic disadvantage for that group, right?
Btw: The Supreme Court allowed Gerrymandering, so that's not illegal and that also is a tool used to systematically discriminate people who disproportionately vote for one political party.

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