
Who is GM Konevlad?

No go see his profile it says Vladimir Konev.
So how does he get the GM title if you don't know who he is?
@stonedacc Only the lichess title verification team knows who is he. They keep that information secret unless the player wants to disclose it.
So Magnus has double personality? Didn't you read that Magnus and Konevlad have played the same events in the past?

And lol at Vladimir Konev. There is no GM named Vladimir Konev, google it... That's a fake name. Vladimir Konev is actually an ucranian basketball player. But hey, maybe he is a brillant chess player as well. Rofl...

My bet is Artemiev. Some said Kamsky confirmed that Konevlad is Vlad Artemiev after playing against him on a YouTube stream.
I know but it can't be carlsen Blitz Champion???

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