
Firouzja on Fire!

"Congratulations to the winner and the female winner. I think more than 10 female chess players participated on this tournament."

There is no female winner, there is one winner and that's Mr Firouzja. Women titles have existed since 1950 and haven't had any effect at all, time to stop this joke. Also, what about people who don't identify with one of the 2 binary genders.
Posts #11, #12, #13, and #14 have been equally informative.
Congrats to all participants!
I noticed that alsufighters account is now closed. Interesting...Nice tournament. Would have loved to have seen Magnus compete against Ali Rezas performance. Ali Reza is out of this world for a kid his age. Wow.
Is it possible that there was woman with better performance, but since she might have GM/IM title, we won't be able to identify her?
Congrats to all right winners and to all who competed. And thanks chessnetwork and others for the great streams.
I think a mod has hidden them from public. That's what mods do when something is not appropriate.

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