
Carlsen ekes out another Topsy Turvy Titled Arena Victory

@Liberty1776 , point me to one place where someone threatened exclusion? @cincigoose was polite and said it's better not to use it. I'm saying it's more inclusive so please don't. No one's threatening anything. We're trying to appeal to your empathy and rationality, not make anyone scared of exclusion.

You're making a large leap from "please be polite" to government mandated PC fascism. Do you think maybe you're getting a bit hysterical?

@dankdane , "transvestite" in most places is now widely unacceptable; check this Google search:

The difference is that it's much easier for one party to stop using the word than it is for the other party to stop being offended by the word when "tranny" is regularly used against those people just for being the way that they are. If you're truly offended by the use of "SJW speak" have you reflected on why? For cross-dressers they're offended because people are insulting them and that's not much a person can do to not be offended by an insult. For you why is it that someone asking you to be polite offends you? Is it because you don't like people suggesting your behaviour isn't perfect? Or maybe you're just disgusted by cross-dressers and don't like to entertain the idea of them being near you?
@Tomondo Are you triggered now; roflcopters.

Stop trying to sexualize children with your filthy SJW gender pronouns and force other people to abide by your never-ending-updated-vocabulary-list. You should be ashamed of your self. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul and long live freedom of speech and the silence of marble-mouthed SJWs
@Tomondo You miss @dankdane entire point -- proving just how dense and hypocritical SJW's are. You offend everyone but claim you are the one offended. He was using a metaphor -- it is when you compare things.
@Liberty1776 , are you a teenager or a bot just stringing together a list of 2012 memes and bottom of the barrel conservative talking points? I've made an attempt to engage you in conversation and all you can seem to do is ignore my points and just throw out random insults.
@Tomondo i am offended by every single word you have typed here, if you continue i am afraid i will have to report you for my own safety
"transvestite" in most places is now widely unacceptable; check this Google search:"

Popcorn time :)
congratulations on ruining a blog post on a chess website with your safe space attitude.

on another note, maybe the author of the article should drop using synonyms wherever possible and keep it simple. Lichess isn't supposed to be pretentious.
What is amazing is that Carlson just plays these incredibly crappy openings against super strong players and still comes out with an even result. It's just like getting a computer to generate the first 6 moves randomly and then handing it over to world champion. Amazing ability.
@SillyWords ,the trick is that "when you play crappy opening, dont open the centre". Closed centre /closed files slow down development befenits of opponent. If Carlesen open the centre with " Nf3,Ng1" and then if he open the centre pawns like "d4,e4" etc , he will die very soon.

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