
Ask Lichess Anything

Can we have stuff like duck chess, fairy chess and more? Also I think there should be knockout tournaments that would be cool
Knockout tournaments I can say will have the same issue as round robin. What do you do with the people who leave without a word

you need a personal community for KO, it can be fun
Bughouse was addressed in past AMA streams. Chris explained the hindrances already, so sorry guys that your hopes will stay in vain
Under which circumstances will Lichess publish private data like chess . com did it in case of GM Niemann and GM Dlugi?
@phobbs5 said in #21:
> I gave up after trying to find it for 10m. Thanks for wasting my time.

The link is there for the person that asked the question. Also brother there is a search on the forum. Don't bully me please.
@Pi_Addict111 said in #6:
> How many hours in total have been played in every single chess game recorded on the site?
> EDIT: More concise: How many hours of chess have been played on the site in total?
technically, logic-wise, however many hours lichess has been around for.

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