
Any tips on helping 1000 level players to improve

#1 How old are you? It helps if you are around the same age as them. Also play simuls with them might get their interest up. Award them some sort of price if they play a good game etc
#1 Keep in mind that if they don't find it interesting, it doesn't necessarily mean you are doing something wrong.
Chess is a game, and like all games, some find it interesting, and some don't.
#2 My number 1 tip, is to figure out how much they should learn at first, and how quickly:
Maybe just a few principles? Maybe an opening? Maybe a few endgames? Some tactics? That's up for you and them to figure out.
#3 Tell them "if you are confused about any rule, or why some principles exist and are what they are, ask me. There are absolutely no dumb questions, so if you want to speak up and ask about something, do it. Don't feel hesitant".
#4 Some people just don't like analyzing games, that's a fact.
If they are willing to, then have them try and analyze a longer game they played(If they played a longer game), preferably without engine, and really put a lot of effort into it. Once that's done, ask them if they found it interesting, then go from there I guess.
#5 If you aren't good at explaining, tell them that.
Just like if you have stage fright and tell the audience that, they will be more understanding and patient.
I hope this helps;)
@Dario19503 Thanks for sharing! I will introduce them to some variants and see how that goes ;)

#11 Yeah I’m around their age.

#12 Thanks for the tips :)
I’m reasonable at explaining stuff but since they are not really interested in the game atm, my words just seem to go in one ear and out the other lol
Give them tactical puzzles they can solve. They learn to look for hanging pieces this way.

Be patient. From 1000 to 1100 in one year is not unsual. To 1200 is great. Anything more is highly motivated. It's a game for fun.
Try teaching them Variants that are Fun like Antichess. And its important, that the Kids know the important Things (King safety, Centre etc. ...) And that they also know how to manage them.
I'm 1150 and yes, I can agree with #6 it's mostly not hanging pieces and mate. [But most of the time forks]
I have been trying to make my friends learn chess and probably their favourite variant is atomic. I use to teach them blitz. They had fun in atomic and the more they lost, the more they learnt. This is adaptation
well you can improve their rating by giving them puzzels(they need to think well before solving) and say them to solve . Teach them basic opening traps and Gambits.
teach them basic Checkmate patterns
Even endgames.
and make sure they practice daily,.....
#15 I will try that :D
Personally, I find antichess harder than standard chess, I’m struggling to get to 1300 in that variant

#16 You are spot on . Whenever they get a losing position in a game, they just give up sigh....
I will checkout the website later.

#17 Well, you have a much better rapid rating than my students lol. At this rate, it will probably take forever for them to reach 1500 ;)

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