
Am I too old?

Wow @Tae7 ! I didn't realise you were 89. Back when we had that chess meet up last year, I wouldn't have pegged you at day over 75! Are you still going out for your weekly 5k runs?
@Mezmer oh you are too kind. Unfortunately, I'm interning at the moment but in another year or two, I will be going for some 10k runs :)
#4. i would argue that school makes people dumber since when you go to school. you are told when to eat. when to relax. when to work. when you can go to the toilet. and some schools even punish you for thinking yourself. ive not been in a school class since i was 7 as far as i remember. im 17 now. and way more creative. patient. talented. and funny. im a HUGE believer in self learning. and have learned fluent english from playing video games. and watching anime. cartoons. movies. and youtube. i can only remember one english lesson i got from a teacher. how to say 1-10 and some animal names in english. if anything it just made me dumber.someone is probably gonna think that since i play chess im not very creative and just good at memory. though i will guarantee you that theres MUCH more memory and WAY less creativity in doing research for a school exam( i think thats how it works. not been in school for many years so sorry if i sound dumb when talking about it) than there is when playing chess. #1. go to school if you want to. of course its probably not your choice though. but ill tell you that for someone who pretty much only played video games like ratchet and clank and sly cooper for about 2 years after i quit my last "normal" school( tried some special ones) that im a pretty creative person compared to most. people like "benjamin franklin" "albert einstein" and "walt disney" all dropped out of school at a "young" age. that should prove something. ill say this. chess is better than school. and you could be a much smarter person if you went to chess tournaments instead of school. but i know you are probably not allowed to do so. i know this has like nothing to do with your question and im really sorry if that annoys you. but just wanted to say all of this which i know is not really gonna do anything. but maybe i can change some peoples minds or something. if anyone wants to talk with me about school. then messege me. thank you for reading this overly long and pretty pointless post. i just felt like writing something i guess
#26 I would argue that school makes you 'smarter' and more worldly wise. The end.
but chess and other games make people more creative. and is not just memory like most schools are
creativity and intelligence are completely different though.
yeah but creativity can make people MORE smart by thinking about what to do. doing it. faling and learning. instead of always being told what to do

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