
Actually getting worse the more that I study?

@MrDeCesare Maybe take a break from studying to give yourself a chance to absorb what you’re learning. I’m learning to play a musical instrument... having never played anything since I was a little kid. I can’t read music and do not understand any music theory.

I’m watching and learning from three or four of the best out there.I try to practice a bit, even if for only a few minutes every day or most days... but if I’m not in the mood, or it goes to rats after a few minutes, I give up until I’m more interested.

Being the type of person I am, I tried to be an expert within days and as expected, failed miserably. That of course is impossible and totally unreasonable. I thought it would be easy. How dumb is that?

As in chess, there’s so much to learn but you have to start with the very basic things. So I pressed the reboot button and looked for absolute beginner videos from different players. These guys are like the GMs of the chess world.

Will I ever get to their level? Of course not. They’ve been playing for 20,30, 40 years.... Not 6 months! Can I learn from them? Absolutely.

I watch the same videos and practice the same things to get the basics right but also look at other things too for ideas. The more advanced stuff I don’t even bother with right now.

There’s only so much you can learn before you have to think for yourself and improvise.

My approach to chess is the same. Learn a bit at a time. Repeat the same things until they become almost second nature BUT be ready to do something different. I watch the same videos to reinforce basic ideas.

I play 3-4 openings total... I know a few moves in each of them.. after that, I’m on my own. Then it’s just a case of trying, but mostly failing, to do the basics right... not hanging pieces or not seeing what my opponent is doing or missing a free piece or mate in 1,2 or three moves.

Learning a tune or riff is no different to a game of chess really. You may know all the notes but playing them in the right order at the right time takes time and practice... doing it over and over again.

It never occurred to me that chess and music have the same the parallels but they do. 12 bar blues is one musical type with endless variations.. a bit like any chess opening.

End of ramble.
@BorisOspasky said in #22:
> Being the type of person I am, I tried to be an expert within days and as expected, failed miserably. That of course is impossible and totally unreasonable. I thought it would be easy. How dumb is that?

First of all, thank you so, so much for taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply. I truly appreciate it

Also, I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. I am the same way. I imagine that studying a little more over the course of just a few weeks will have profound effects, as though studying a few lines of the Accelerated Dragon should put me at 1900+ or something. Thinking like that is completely unreasonable. Chess is a far, far more complex game than that.

You gave me a lot to think about. Thanks again.

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