
Actually getting worse the more that I study?

Why are you studying at 1600 rapid? I didn't even start studying until 2k rapid. Trust me you don't need opening theory at your level just enjoy the game :)
@ThunderClap said in #3:
> You Are Getting Better But Worse In The Application Of What You Have Learned

Do you have hints how this can be prevented? Suffering from the same sometimes.
You really don't want to AVOID IT ... You want to throw yourself INTO IT & Learn as much as possible about everything
@MrDeCesare said in #1:
> I am sure that this has been written on a million times before, but is this a common thing?

Already you got me stumped!
@MrPushwood said in #14:
> Already you got me stumped!

LOL! Touche!

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Really, I appreciate it. I think there might be something to the whole not-studying-until-a-certain-rating, but I also kind of believe that -- as Daniel Naroditsky once put it -- learning openings is sort of like the on-ramp onto the highway. They get you to where you need to be, and then you have to take it from there.

I'm going to give all of these suggestions some thought. I AM having fun and I don't mean for it to sound like I'm not. But I would also like to see some improvement and I just haven't yet. Hmm!
What exactly are you studying? If you don't mind sharing with us.

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