
Does bullet chess make you better or worse?

@Joelethan said in #67:
> but, your mind will think like it is a bullet game in a rapid or classical tournament, resulting in people playing fast.
I don't know what to tell someone who is so foolish that they don't realize they're in a rapid or classical tournament with 10+ minutes on the clock rather than 60 seconds.

Come on now. That is clearly a problem with the player, not with bullet itself.

I have 55,000 bullet games in my history and at no point in a blitz or rapid game have I EVER said to myself, "Wow, I totally forgot I'm in Blitz / Rapid rather than Bullet! Oops!"

That isn't a thing.
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #71:
> I don't know what to tell someone who is so foolish that they don't realize they're in a rapid or classical tournament with 10+ minutes on the clock rather than 60 seconds.
> Come on now. That is clearly a problem with the player, not with bullet itself.
> I have 55,000 bullet games in my history and at no point in a blitz or rapid game have I EVER said to myself, "Wow, I totally forgot I'm in Blitz / Rapid rather than Bullet! Oops!"
> That isn't a thing.

your mind will not say "oh! forgot I'm in Blitz" but it will intend to play fast
And plus there is no proof to prove that bullet helps you
If youre a beginner serious about improvement then stay away from bullet/blitz. If youre a class player serious about improvement, stay away from bullet/blitz. If youre a titled player, or just play chess for fun, then bullet/blitz is fine.

This is what I am trying to say
@Joelethan said in #75:
> And plus there is no proof to prove that bullet helps you
All I play is bullet and my rating has gone up, so that's proof enough for me.
@EasychesS_PLayer here is what is true information.

If you're a beginner serious about improvement,stay away from bullet/blitz

If you're a class player serious about improvement, stay away from bullet/blitz

If you're a titled player, or just play chess for fun, then bullet/blitz is fine.
thefrickouttaherelol, REAL proof is when all you play is bullet games, no practicing, and then after playing a lot of bullet players playing in tournaments THEN IF your rating goes up during those tournaments (rapid or classical) then that is proof.

And also:

If you're a beginner serious about improvement,stay away from bullet/blitz

If you're a class player serious about improvement, stay away from bullet/blitz

If you're a titled player, or just play chess for fun, then bullet/blitz is fine.
As a recreational player with no serious training, not even knowing any openings really at first—bullet helped me get lots of exposure quickly and learn what NOT to do.

I think if you want to learn how to play GOOD chess, you shouldn't spend too much time on bullet. But the number of iterations you can see in a limited amount of time—I mean, just playing maybe 10 minutes a day for a couple years, I saw thousands of positions—that's useful to some degree.

Still, I agree with this blog post overall and find it sound advice for those who seriously want to improve their chess. ESPECIALLY if you are rated under maybe 1600 or so, bullet is all but useless. Run your games back through Stockfish afterward—you and your opponent probably made like 20 mistakes total. That's not useful learning! You're just pushing the clock, like Kramnik says, and pretending chess is involved :)