
Does bullet chess make you better or worse?

@Lafay130311 said in #113:
> Can somebody tell me what side I should be on...

I can help you!

There is no evidence that bullet chess worsens your quality of play. Just like @ajmbek said in #102.
When I started playing chess, the first time control I ever played was Bullet. I was in a chess school with other kids who played Blitz and Rapid, and in two years, I became the best among these Rapid players, Which shouldn't make sense since I was a Bullet player. That is MY evidence that bullet doesn't make you worse at chess.

Also, Bullet is BENEFICIAl because it can improve your reaction time (to spot tactics and response to stress), speed, concentration, tactics, basic positional play, intuition, hand-eye coordination, muscle memory, etc.

But, the REASON you play Bullet is more important, because if you ONLY play for speed, you nullify almost everything I said.
but on the other hand, if you play with a sense of the position (like where your pieces are, where can you move them, positional weaknesses of you and your opponent, etc), then you can get MOST of the benefits of Bullet (with the exception of speed, but you will become faster with more practice).

But I must warn you: You WILL reach a plateau and you must switch to another time control to improve, e.g. Blitz, Rapid, and then EVENTUALLY, Classical. But you need a stable Rapid rating of >1600 to switch to Classical.

Unfortunately, I already reached my plateau and have not gotten out of it since Bullet is SORT OF like an "addiction". But I'm sure I will get out of it soon.
Since you are the first person to respond and its an answer that makes sense then my opinion about it right now is that it can improve your chess if you have a good reason and goal but just maybe it can be bad for some people. (sorry I don't know how to describe it any better)