
Lichess coaches

WCM Prniiian_ghomi Lichess coach picture

WCM Parnian Ghomi

Level Up Your Game and Play Like a Pro, One Lesson at a Time!

LocationToronto Canada
LanguagesEnglish (US), فارسی
RatingFIDE: 20152673
Hourly rate40 CAD for lessons - 30 CAD for training games
CM MrKooshaJ Lichess coach picture

CM Koosha Jaferian

I can help you to accelerate your progress!

LocationToronto, Ontario Canada
LanguagesEnglish (US), فارسی
RatingFIDE: 223828622654282524192368
Hourly rate$50 USD (65 CAD) for lessons and $40 USD (50 CAD) for training games with analysis / 30% discount for 10 sessions in Advance