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Vladimir Belous
Hey, I am GM Vladimir Belous. Currently, live in TX, United States. I hope you enjoy watching my games and playing against me! You can watch me here I love to teach chess, so if you want to improve your chess level, do not hesitate and message or e-mail me.
FIDE rating: 2530
United StatesMember since Mar 4, 2020
Time spent playing: 12 days 4 hours 57 minutes
Time on TV: 1 day 20 hours 11 minutes
TeamsAccelerated Dragon Simul GroupAGCA Summer CampsAustin Grandmaster Chess AcademyChesslandiaExpert GroupFIDEINTENTAR MASTERKarpov schoolLevitov ChessLevitov Chess EliteLichess Chess960Lichess SwissШАХМАТНАЯ СТРИМЕРСКАЯ ЛИГАQATAR CHESS ASSOCIATIONSerpin ChessTeam Club de Ajedrez Rio GrandeThe House Discord ServerVeni Vidi Vici Gaming
Played 3 Rapid games259872
Played 12 Blitz games273629
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Gained 1 new follower
Gained 1 new follower