Solved 2 training puzzles239228
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United States
Member since 19 Dec 2017
Time spent playing: 38 days, 9 hours
Time featured on TV: 2 hours, 7 minutes
Teams2020 Bruce Bowyer, Nagib Gebran and Nick Conticello MemorialArt-Vega Chess ClubbkchessBryant Park CrewBughouse World ChampionshipCHESS4NYCChessKatz TournamentsCMHCMH Blue TeamCMH Green TeamCrypto Chess ProFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusMaster Chess DojoNM SHAWN MARTINEZ TWITCH CHESS CLUBNoTheory Nice GuysTeam ChessableTH RogersTH Rogers Blue GroupTH Rogers Green GroupTH Rogers Red GroupThe Chess RefineryThe House Discord ServerThe KingSlayer's club.The Official Chessable Study CommunityThe Stuck WizardsTrio Fantastico and friends!
Solved 2 training puzzles23649
Solved 14 training puzzles235568
Played one run of Puzzle Storm
Solved 18 training puzzles242329
Solved 8 training puzzles2452126
Started following 1 player