Played 1 UltraBullet game172919
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FIDE rating: 2999
in my room playing chess CanadaMember since 8 Dec 2020
Time spent playing: 16 days, 7 hours
Time featured on TV: 21 hours, 31 minutes
Teams2020 Ultrabullet World Championships amintavakkoliAnti-lagAssociation Echecs et MathsBarbacaneBarbacane fan clubCloud9Club of PerfectionEdmonton Chess ClubflaggedyourlaguslowIM Eric Rosen Fan ClubGM penguingim1 fan clubIM Rosen Discord CommunityJurisDoctorLichess BroadcastsLichess SwissMutual Zerk!Pro KBTeam Canada 🍁The best Ultrabullet ClubUltra Bullet and Hyper BulletUltra WCWKurogane TeamWustmaster's TeamZerkbackall
Played 2 UltraBullet games171021
Played 12 UltraBullet games17311
Played 3 Bullet games211940
Played 1 UltraBullet game173014
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Played 4 UltraBullet games172648