Solved 10 training puzzles270253
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Member since 9 Sept 2017
Time spent playing: 41 days, 13 hours
Time featured on TV: 8 hours, 41 minutes
Teamsמועדון שחמט ראשון לציוןתחרויות ימי שישי כפסמועדון השחמט הרצליהסוכת שלום 2020התחרות התשיעית ע''ש שחר ארד - ראשיתAcceptableChessCemil Can Ali Marandi Fan ClubCheckitas' WarriorsChess FormulaChess Together IsraelCookie MonstersCrazyhouse World ChampionshipCroutonChessאליפות מועדון השחמט 'עצמה' מעלות-תרשיחא ע"ש לאוניד אסטרקיןFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusFM FUTUREWCC Fan ClubGM Mircica & FriendsGM DrNykterstein Fan ClubIsraeli Chess Players- השחקנים הישראליםKarinaChess clubKednanie LessonsKfar Saba chess clubNf3 e3 spammers will never improve.One family in Chessonly 😤😤 titled 🤨🤨Rehovot Chess SchoolSabina's Twitch Subs and FollowersSaqochess & friends and fan clubsofi_chessSwish Tournaments!Thalia's Chess ClubThe Chessborn CommunityThe House Discord ServerThe Second Federationtournament hourlyTrio Fantastico and friends!
UAE National Day 2020 Bullet Chess ChampionshipVane&CoralsWalkerboy Chess ClubWIM Chelsie - ClubZhigalko_Sergei & FriendsZolpi Fan Club

Solved 2 training puzzles
Played 13 Bullet games
Played 5 Blitz games
Solved 12 training puzzles264938
Played 1 Blitz game
Gained 1 new follower
Played 61 Bullet games2701101
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #162 (top 40%) with 19 games in Titled Arena January '25
Gained 1 new follower
Gained 1 new follower