Solved 12 tactical puzzles264618
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Elshan Moradiabadi
United States
I qualified to the US closed championship in 2020 and 2022.
I became co-champion of 2022 US open. I have published written articles for Chess Life, ChessBase, and Informator. In 2022 I won the Chess Journalist award of the year in the US. in 2020, along with WGM Sabina Foisor, he published "Sherlock's method: The working tool for club players" by Thinkers publisher.
FIDE rating: 2521
North Carolina
Member since Nov 11, 2016
Time spent playing: 9 days, 14 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 day, 11 hours
TeamsBig Prize TournamentBlue Moon Diamond
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Florida Chess Summer Grand Prix #2Fortun£ Friday$
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Kings & Queens Chess AcademyLichess Antichess
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MILLENNIUMNebraska PlayersPalm Beach ChessRadix Open ArenaRBI OpenRoad to Sharjah 2024Sabina's Twitch Subs and FollowersSchachfreunde Berlin 1903SPI team for simulTeam ChessableThe Out Of Book Social ClubTwitch teamUSChessHubWhite knights chess teamWhite knights Scheveningen matchesWhite knights Scheveningen matches - 1200White knights Scheveningen matches - eliteWorldwide Junior

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Solved 22 tactical puzzles26436