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Member since 22 Mar 2020
Time spent playing: 26 days, 3 hours
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Played 9 Rapid games177014
Posted 1 message in How do you pronounce Jif/Gif?Posted 1 message in What Would You Do If There Were Only 7 days in a Year?Posted 1 message in Add 'in toilet' after every movie titlePosted 1 message in What's your favorite fast food restaurant? (Coffee shops are allowed.)
Started following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #40 (top 6%) with 8 games in Hourly Rapid Arena
Joined 1 team
Posted 1 message in One word storyPosted 1 message in how many digits of pi do u know?Posted 1 message in Sonic the Hedgehog
Posted 1 message in Just tell me random stories im bored.Posted 1 message in How did you choose your username?Posted 1 message in Rating your usernames!Posted 1 message in Water
Played 2 Rapid games17563
Played 1 Racing Kings game
Posted 1 message in Who would you give Patron wings to and why?Posted 1 message in experimentsPosted 1 message in my last forumPosted 1 message in Michael jacksonPosted 1 message in Roasting me but it has a twist!
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #9 (top 15%) with 1 game in Racing kings Fight day 13 Team Battle
Ranked #284 (top 47%) with 2 games in Catalan Opening Rapid Arena
Played 1 Racing Kings game19771
Posted 1 message in Write bigger number then previous posterPosted 1 message in I miss uuuuuuuuPosted 1 message in Shower thoughtPosted 1 message in Need advicesPosted 1 message in Make a 6 word motviationPosted 1 message in how hard is it to become a titled playerPosted 1 message in rip
Played 4 Racing Kings games197813
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #13 (top 17%) with 4 games in Round of-16 UCL Team Battle