
I miss uuuuuuuu

@HogwartsTwiceChess said in #2:
> Vote here, should they come back?

Ew-pawn aka selbi has taken a break she will return in summer. Thanks for remembering her pray that after she returns she can become even more great than before.
Can't see PushWood and Dukedog too , ig lockdowns were the best era for forums
@ZIDAN_S said in #4:
> Can't see PushWood and Dukedog too , ig lockdowns were the best era for forums

Quite true I miss those days
@Aritra_saha6905 said in #3:
> Ew-pawn aka selbi has taken a break she will return in summer. Thanks for remembering her pray that after she returns she can become even more great than before.

yeah fr, I miss selbi though
@BlakeDoyle said in #6:
> yeah fr, I miss selbi though

Kinda most people of our team is missing her .... She is the greatest antichess leader
@HogwartsTwiceChess said in #1:
> I miss youuuu @ew_pawn and @Rainbow_Pink_Lover.......I use to see all your posts and you both are my favvvvv.....Come backkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! Forums r bad without u guyssssss!!!!!

@Rainbow_Pink_Lover will try to come back by March, if thats not possible then she will come back during summer vacation which is starting from June. After summer vacations, she will dissapear from the forums again. It's a sure thing that she will come back during summer vacations because she will have free time in the mornings to interact with the people in forums. And yeah, hopefully you know the cause of her leaving the forums.
@ZIDAN_S said in #4:
> Can't see PushWood and Dukedog too , ig lockdowns were the best era for forums
I guess @mrpushwood isn't pushing a lot of wood right now... unless he's at a chess tournament.

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