
Fabiano Caruana lost in 11 moves!

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Chess is a game where we all make mistakes and even the strongest GMs make blunders and in this blog we will watch the game where world number 2 Fabiano Caruana lost in 11 moves!

Of course, this was a blitz game because winning against 2800 rated GM in classical in 11 moves is impossible. Here is a link for this game :

And the game starts with 1.d4 e6 and it is called Horwitz Defense but after 2.e4 we have French Defense! 3.Nd2 there Tarrasch variation on the board! Black attacks center with 3.c5! 4.Ngf3 - Magnus defends d4 pawn! - 4.cxd4 Fabiano exchanges pawns, 5.Nd4 - this is little inaccuracy because the best move was exd5 and if Qd5 we move Bc4 and have more active position and active pieces and if after exd5 exd5 - black has doubled pawns and white has better development. But in game was 5.Nf6 6.exd5 and Fabiano moves 6.Qxd5. Magnus moves 7.Nb5 and is threatening Nc7 fork and that is why Fabiano moves 7.Na6 and now Magnus wins tempo with 8.Nc3 8.Qd8 9.a3 to not allow pins like Bb4 and also not allowing knight to go to b4
9.Be7 to make 0-0 and Magnus moves 10.Qf3 and he is threatening Ba6 and win the knight because if ba we take the rook! BUT Fabi blunders it and moves 0-0! And Magnus moves 11.Bxa6 and Fabi resigns!
Very big blunder by very strong player!