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Matvey Galchenko
Professional chess coach. Details:
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FIDE rating: 2465
Murmansk RussiaMember since 30 Jul 2018
Time spent playing: 63 days, 18 hours
Time featured on TV: 10 days, 12 hours
TeamsМурманск и Друзья!Alta sjakklubbAlta sjakklubb ungdomArtem Uskov ClubBushwick Chess ClubBy moneyCENTRAL PARK TOWERCentral Park Tower Chess Pro Masters March 24Crestbook Chess ClubСпарта VKМеленкиТурниры для стримеровErik Chibukhchyan and friendsFiona's Fight ClubGM Mircica & FriendsGoshabgIM Eric Rosen Fan ClubIM Matvey GalchenkoKirill_Klyukin teamLevitov Chess Elitemaestro__chessMarepant's CastleMatvey Galchenko and MurmanskVIP-клуб в ТелеграмеШахматы - это навсегда! - Сhess_is_forever!Offerspill Chess Club OpenPakhomoff and oleksiyplaymagnuschessclubReeeeeep ChessSergeyVoronChess NEWTeam ChessableThe Out Of Book Social ClubThe_KingsVeni Vidi Vici GamingТурнир Централ Парк Тауэр для любителейZhigalko_Sergei & Friends
1000USD tournament on lichess for everyone
Take part in a major event!Take part in Central Park Tower Chess Pro Masters!
We are happy to see you join!Gained 3 new followers
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Joined 1 team
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Played 25 Rapid games
Played 5 Bullet games31259
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Hosted 1 simultaneous exhibition
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #232 (top 58%) with 5 games in Titled Arena January '25
Gained 3 new followers
Played 9 Rapid games26579
Gained 16 new followers
Ozz_i, Alexander_Zhorovkov, ayman_farouk, MatrosovPlaton, Sasa120130, TahaJJR94, VsevolodM2012, tikilart, ssehcuqetsnu, NedoPlay, krik_jd, AdenAgus1922, good-0, PdFadin, tejas1206 and 1 more
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #52 (top 1%) with 9 games in Weekly Rapid Arena