Played 1 Rapid game13677
Ranked #3 (top 75%) with 4 games in Lightsapple Arena
আমি একজন বাঙালি দাবা খেলোয়াড়। আমার বাড়ি কলকাতা, তবে থাকি ফরিদাবাদে। আমিও একজন AICF খেলোয়াড়। I am also an advanced player in Creative Chess Club. দাবাই জীবন :D. Join guys! You won't regret. To join it message me on lichess inbox to get verified and getting the code. They also call me the Blunder Master!
Member since 6 Aug 2022
Time spent playing: 10 days, 2 hours
Time featured on TV: 12 minutes