Played 2 Antichess games
No note yet So close to AM (Antichess Master) norm :(
United States
Member since 20 Apr 2023
Time spent playing: 22 hours, 21 minutes
Time featured on TV: 1 hour, 33 minutes
Completed 1 correspondence game1 win
Played 15 Antichess games201026
Started following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #6 (top 66%) with 15 games in Elite Antichess Arena
Played 19 Antichess games203610
Played 11 Bullet games138023
Played 4 UltraBullet games126741
Played 1 Crazyhouse game1651112
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #22 (top 33%) with 3 games in Hourly Antichess Arena
Ranked #89 (top 64%) with 1 game in Hourly Antichess Arena
Ranked #107 (top 79%) with 3 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Played 6 Bullet games13571
Played 1 UltraBullet game130820
Started following 1 player
Played 2 Antichess games20265
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #51 (top 60%) with 1 game in Daily Antichess Arena
Ranked #37 (top 64%) with 1 game in Hourly Antichess Arena
Solved 1 training puzzle169232
Played 10 Bullet games135845
Started following 1 player
Joined 1 team