Played 11 Bullet games
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Member since 3 Jan 2017
Time spent playing: 38 days, 7 hours
Time featured on TV: 3 minutes
TeamsМастерклуб 5
Клуб Грозы Шахматных Стримеров
Полина Янученко1
легенды шахматКлуб честных игроковШахматные Пушки.
Шах и Мат!
𝓜 𝓤 𝓗 𝓒 𝓚 (Беларусь)Alexandra ChessBengal tigerCHESS BERSERK
ChessMartaCommonwealth of Chess PlayersCrestbook Chess ClubСпарта VKFIDEFiona's Fight ClubFire & Ice
Chessтные шахматыIM Matvey GalchenkoIrina_Baraeva_ClubIsraeli Chess Players
kirill_kopyonkin stream
Krasavina@CoaChessLagansClassicalLebap ýaş küştçileriLichess Crazyhouse
MiaMi Chess FAN ClubMurat_ChessfriendsNational Chess Blasters
OllaChessRadix Open ArenaSchool 67-51SergeyVoronChess NEW
SergeyVoronChess YouTubeShiburaj.cStand with Israel「The Night Owls」The Out Of Book Social ClubVeni Vidi Vici Gamingwinter soldiers

Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #153 (top 48%) with 10 games in GM Zhigalko Sergei Stream 1+0 Arena
Played 34 Blitz games
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #70 (top 24%) with 33 games in WFM Chess Blondinka Stream Arena
Played 15 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 21 Blitz games158911
Played 11 Rapid games146335
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #6 (top 20%) with 11 games in Успешный Старт March 4 Arena
Ranked #151 (top 64%) with 21 games in Lichess Liga 3B Team Battle
Played 12 Rapid games149825
Played 1 Blitz game15786
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #149 (top 21%) with 3 games in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Ranked #4 (top 26%) with 7 games in Успешный Старт March 3 Arena
Ranked #288 (top 96%) with 1 game in CAREER - 1 весенний Team Battle
Played 14 Blitz games158414
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #140 (top 68%) with 14 games in Lichess Liga 3A Team Battle
Solved 28 training puzzles1153196
Played 3 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 20 Blitz games157010
Played 12 Rapid games14733
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #1 (top 3%) with 12 games in Успешный Старт March 2 Arena
Ranked #118 (top 64%) with 20 games in Lichess Liga 3A Team Battle