Played 1 Rapid game20718
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Member since 26 Feb 2023
Time spent playing: 5 days, 21 hours
Time featured on TV: 1 hour, 23 minutes
TeamsШахматный Клуб КФУ || Chess Club of CFUElite Chess Players' UnionШШК-ЧЕЛНЫ ЮниорыФедерация Шахмат Республики Башкортостан𝓜 𝓞 𝓒 𝓚 𝓑 𝓐МАРИУПОЛЬ≋К≋А≋З≋А≋Н≋Ь≋A equipe do rapidAcademy Of IntellectArab World Teamهیأت شطرنج بجستانColegas de KikeDV_intellectШШК-ЧелныKAZAN CHESSkhorchessLichess AntichessLichess SwissNational Chess BlastersOnline World Chess Loverspotato driveЕлабужский Шахматный КлубROHAM_13912011 & FriendsТорпедо Москва
Played 1 Rapid game20798
Played 1 Rapid game20877
Played 7 Rapid games208019
Played 4 Rapid games209921
Played 11 Rapid games207838
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #6 (top 26%) with 11 games in BRICS Arena
Played 2 Rapid games211613