Puzzle of the dayWhite to play
Eight Russian chess masters at Schiphol R. Keres Dr. Max Euwe and world champion TalFischyVishy

How Correct Were Mikhail Tal's Sacrifices? - Part 1

Chess in Nepal - chess monks in KathmanduFM jeffforever

Chess in Nepal - chess monks in Kathmandu

GM Avetik_ChessMood

The Risks of Playing Chess When You Don't Want to

Our next 1+0 Warm-up Arena starts in just 2 hours! You will have the chance again to play against some of the titled players before they enter the Titled Arena!

Lichess turns 14 years old today! Thanks to all our users, contributors and supporters. Join the celebration tournament here.

You can now add a custom flair to your studies, choosing from over 3,000 icons in the study settings, that appears on all study pages.

GM Arjun Erigaisi is the clear winner of the 5th Stepan Avagyan Memorial, 1.5 points ahead of a group including GMs Samuel Sevian, Amin Tabatabaei and Bogdan-Daniel Deac. Arjun is now ranked no. 4 in the world with a live rating of 2778 - 17 rating points above his peak!

Congratulations to Target_B for winning the Streamers Battle June '24! Congrats also to IM YOSEPH AND FRIENDS for taking 2nd place, SergeyVoronChess NEW for coming in 3rd place and IM Manitodeplomo Fan Club for 4th place. Thanks to all participating streamers and 2,096 registered players!

Streamers and their communities, get ready for the next Streamers Battle with prizes for streamers whose teams finish in the top 4, starting in just 6 hours!

Due to popular demand, you can now donate to support Lichess in 112 additional currencies.