Thank you!
Lichess is the product of a large community of contributors, most of whom are volunteers. Together, we're building the best chess website ever!
Special thanks to all past and present team members ...
AAArmstark, agolp, Akionta, anonmod, arex, Arihol, Assios, benwerner, bosspotato, Brian-E, brollin, bufferunderrun, CaroKatze, Cham, Christopher Akiki, CityWanderer, Clarkey, cormacobear, Cynosure, Danil_Vyborg, dignissimus, DVRazor, Ecclesiastic, erikelrojo, exirk, FireBreathingDragon, FischyVishy, flugsio, freefal, Funkmaus, gavalanche20, G-Lorenz, halifax2345678, Happy0, Hellball, icp, ImaginaryGC, isaacly, Iubar, izzie26, jeffforever, Juesto, Konstantinos07, erinisafox, loepare, lovlas, Lukhas, M0r1, mnmlst, Natso, nikonoel, NoJoke, Numeroid, ProgramFOX, Prune2000, QueenRosieMary, revoof, Rakesh, Rise, schlawg, SergioGlorias, sgis, ShineOnMeCrazyD, Shisui, Silkthewanderer, Solal35, somethingpretentious, TBest, thibault, thijscom, Thomas, TimothyHa, TMaus, tnan123, Toadofsky, trevlar, trevorbayless, Unihedron, veloce, xSpaceX, Yeltcki, Zebra9876543210, and to the many anonymous mods.
... for developing, moderating and tirelessly maintaining Lichess.
Big kudos to ...
- Everyone contributing to the project on GitHub, regularly or sporadically, bug reporters and reviewers
- All fishnet contributors, for sharing their computing power with the chess community
- All the volunteer translators who help us offer lichess in over 80 languages
- Security researchers for helping to make Lichess more secure by finding and reporting vulnerabilities: lordjerry0x01, hsomchatwar, n3bu1a, zero_or_1, aliyugombe, aryan750, villagelad, gamerited, Sam Curry, c0d31nj3ct0r, firatistaken, red0xe, anasbetis023
- All of the Discord, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram contributors and mods that help us to to keep in touch with our community.
- The broadcasts team that does the hard work of preparing and taking care of all of the live move relays seen at
- psuter for the first implementation of Swiss tournaments and other valuable code contributions
- Toadofsky and ubdip for teaching Stockfish how to play chess variants
- MoralIntentions for running a new feature popularity bracket and some incredible feats
- Pirouetti for the new chess piece set and boards
- ChessWhiz for the streams (he was the first and the one to request it), improvements to the coordinate trainer and carefully balancing Horde chess
- AdmiralA for the always epic #DailyPuzzle tweet (no longer doing it, but it was good while it lasted)
- Renaud Bressand for the gorgeous mobile app and website menu designs
- goldilocks, bosspotato, GnarlyGoat, Hellball and others for compiling, reviewing and categorising tons of chess videos for the lichess free video library
- Lemuel_Gulliver and Hellball for the list of tournament names based on notable chess personalities.
- Freepik from, for some CC BY 3.0 licensed icons
- authors
- Developers of the Stockfish, Fairy-Stockfish and Sunsetter chess engines
- Ronald de Man and Bojun Guo, for sharing Syzygy endgame tablebases with the world
- sadsnake1 for the Lichess logo and his piece set and board designs
- Bearstech for sysadmin expertise
- IP2Location for providing access to their proxy database
- Geocode Earth for all the CPU power
- Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash, Wikimedia Commons and all their contributing photographers for the photos that we use in the title images of some of our broadcasts
- TotalNoob69 / Siderite for prolific bug reports and automatic OBS scene switching in Lichess Tools
... and all the players!
Please let us know if we have forgotten to include you here!