
Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

2974 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Bishop dominating a knight
  3. Pawns dominating a knight
  4. An uneasy knight post
  1. numky
  2. NoseKnowsAll

Light and Dark Squares | Master color complex strategy!

2030 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a weak color complex?
  3. Color complex: Minor pieces, minor problems
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Talk to your pieces! Developing plans I

1729 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a piece?
  3. Talk to your pieces
  4. Beginners talking to pawns
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Rooks | Infilitrate for activity!

1622 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Heaven: the 7th rank
  3. The real infiltration rank
  4. Capablanca gets "pigs on the 7th"
  1. numky
  2. NoseKnowsAll

Queen's Gambit

1492 • Expender •
  1. Introduction
  2. Queen's Gambit - Structure
  3. Queen's Gambit - Accepted - 1
  4. Queen's Gambit - Accepted - Trap
  1. Unshielded
  2. Expender

#️⃣ Italian Opening Main Ideas #️⃣

930 • m_t-N •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Pianissimo
  3. Center Attack
  4. Exercise 1 - Center Attack
  1. m_t-N

Tactics (Road to trickster)

788 • Hgambit •
  1. Knight fork 1.0
  2. Hanging pieces
  3. Overload
  4. Counter-traps
  1. AmazingGirl2021
  2. Realsmasher
  3. Prajna1911
  4. Roilegendaire

Pawns aren't people! Developing plans II

715 • NoseKnowsAll •
    1. NoseKnowsAll

    Opening mastery from level 1 to 10 (Dragon edition)

    566 • CM Poubelle •
    1. Introduction
    2. Level 1 : first moves
    3. Level 2 : the philosophy
    4. Level 3 : some basic theory 1
    1. CM Poubelle

    How to Sacrifice!

    354 • Kyle-and-Jess •
    1. Introduction: General Ideas and Rules of Sacrificing
    2. How to Sacrifice: Carsten Hoi - Boris Gulko
    3. How to Sacrifice: Vlastimil Hort - Lev Alburt
    4. Unsound Brilliancies: Carl Hartlaub - Fleischer
    1. Kyle-and-Jess
    2. jessieu726
    3. kyle11878

    Understanding the Middlegame

    203 • FireFlare •
    1. Introduction
    2. Isolated Pawn Test
    3. Creative Puzzle #1
    4. Defend The King Test
    1. FireFlare

    100% winning in less than 5 moves Part 2

    195 • Yonushke •
    1. Introduction
    2. Tennison Gambit Trap
    3. French Defense Trap
    4. Englund Gambit Trap 1
    1. Sachit_Raj
    2. Yonushke
    3. BentCrazyCinnamon
    4. ItsFunTime

    Winning in the Middlegame: Lead in Development

    171 • Kyle-and-Jess •
    1. What is a Lead in Development (and How to Win With it)?
    2. Open the Position: A Composed Position
    3. Open the Position: The Opera House Game
    4. Open the Position: Garry Kasparov - Ulf Anderssen
    1. Kyle-and-Jess
    2. jessieu726
    3. kyle11878

    📚Important Chess Tactics Taught Through Words And Puzzles🧩

    144 • LiLLiputiense •
    1. ️ Intro
    2. Study preview and 'all' about the chapters!
    3. A Pin Puzzle
    4. ‍️ One Great Diversion
    1. Rneelagiri
    2. LiLLiputiense

    Puzzle of the days

    132 • dumbbells •
    1. 01
    2. 02
    3. 03
    4. 04
    1. Realsmasher
    2. Prajna1911
    3. Roilegendaire
    4. meenu2010

    Advanced Tactics ( Road to Trickster)

    121 • Realsmasher •
    1. Olympiad 2020 (1)
    2. Advanced pawn!!!
    3. Endgame tactic 1
    4. King's cover Attacking f7
    1. dumbbells
    2. Hgambit
    3. Realsmasher