
Time format and mental physiology

1 • Samadarshi_ch •
  1. Hi
  2. Don't move pieces like a fool
  3. Danish gambit
  4. Sadness
  1. Samadarshi_ch
  2. Mishi2306

A80: Gambito Manhattan, Línea Anti-Clásica • Dutch, Von Pretzel gambit

1 • JeremyDuran •
  1. Introducción
  2. Descripción de la variante
  3. Principios generales
  4. Como jugar
  1. JeremyDuran

Matt Kolektion

2 • BelaCasino •
  1. Hallo
  2. Puzzle Matt in 1(leicht)
  3. Puzzle Matt in 1(leicht)
  4. Matt in 2(leicht)
  1. BelaCasino

Reuben Fine: The Middle Game in Chess (4) ch. 4-5 cont.: Combinations, Analysis

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Part 4: The Combinative Art (1)
  2. Part 4: The Combinative Art (2)
  3. Part 4: The Combinative Art (3)
  4. Part 4: The Combinative Art (4)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Euwe and Leiden - Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur - Part One

4 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Preface (1)
  2. Preface (2)
  3. Intro (1) Chess players: Range of chess players
  4. Intro (2) Chess players: Traits of a master
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Win with the birds opening!

3 • DmytroIgorivech •
  1. Dutch Variation
  2. Bertin gambit
  3. Kings gambit declined
  4. Double dutch
  1. DmytroIgorivech

McDonald: Kasparov-Bacrot - Scotch Game

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. G.Kasparov - E.Bacrot, Sarajevo 2000
  1. ReleaseTheBats

McDonald: Hubner-Portisch - Closed Ruy Lopez

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Hubner - Portisch
  1. ReleaseTheBats


1 • zanzibaro •
  1. The Knight 1
  1. zanzibaro
  2. ikgame1

Seirawan - Winning Chess Strategies: Ch. 6 - How to Use Pawns

5 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Using Pawns as Blocking and Restricting Agents (1)
  2. Using Pawns as Blocking and Restricting Agents (2)
  3. Using Pawns as Blocking and Restricting Agents (3)
  4. Using Pawns as Blocking and Restricting Agents (4)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

McDonald: Anand-Ivanchuk - Najdorf Sicilian

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. V.Anand-V.Ivanchuk, Linares, 1991
  1. ReleaseTheBats

A80: Holandesa, Variante Alapin • Alapin Variation • Dutch, Manhattan (Alapin, Ulvestad) variation

3 • JeremyDuran •
  1. Introducción
  2. Variante Manhattan
  3. Principios Generales
  4. Como jugar contra la variante Manhattan
  1. JeremyDuran

McDonald: Kasparov-Petrosian: 1d4 d5

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Kasparov-Petrosian
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Seirawan: Winning Chess Strategies: ch. 5 - Superior Minor Pieces

5 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Intro
  2. Bishops over Knights (1)
  3. Bishops over Knights (2)
  4. Bishops over Knights (3): Petrosian-Lilienthal
  1. ReleaseTheBats

intermediate chess lesson

7 • Nethulyatica •
  1. Introduction
  2. Study Guide
  3. ️1️⃣ There are 3 parts of the chess game
  4. What to do in an Attack
  1. Phil224
  2. Nethulyatica
  3. dstne
  4. paleyoungwhale

How to ATTACK!

623 • Kyle-and-Jess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Patience in Attacking
  3. Urgency in Attacking
  4. Identifying Weaknesses
  1. Kyle-and-Jess
  2. jessieu726
  3. kyle11878