
The Catalan Opening
139 • Mishi2306 •- Introduction
- Basic Catalan Opening Setup
- Open Catalan Opening
- Closed Catalan Opening
- Mishi2306

The Rousseau Gambit
1101 • Phil224 •- What Is The Rousseau Gambit?
- Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, Main Line
- Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, Breker Defence, 6...Bb5?
- Rousseau Gambit Accepted: Jasdoln Variation, 5.Qe2??
- Phil224
- Bosburp
- The_Inverse_Tangent

The Ponziani Gambit
1067 • Phil224 •- What Is The Ponziani Gambit?
- Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, Main line
- Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, 5...Nd6
- Ponziani Gambit: Urusov Gambit, Keidansky Gambit, Quelson Defence
- Phil224
- The_Inverse_Tangent

Chess Openings: Giuoco Piano (for White)
5 • hillscore •- Giuoco Piano: Introduction
- Giuoco Piano: Practice
- Giuoco Pianissimo
- Giuoco Pianissimo - Lucchini Gambit
- hillscore

Queens Pawn Game (White)
14 • Professionellster •- Queens Pawn Game
- Dutch Defense: Classical Variation | 4. ...c6
- Dutch Defense: Classical Variation | 4. ...Be7
- Dutch Defense: Stonewall Variation, Modern Variation
- Professionellster

London System
4 • BelaCasino •- Theory
- Perfekte Stellung
- Rapport-Jobava System
- London System, with e6
- Arturblunder
- BelaCasino
- Maturin74

Slav Defensive
3 • BelaCasino •- Theory
- 1.Hauptvariante(Three Knights Variation)
- Exchange Variation
- Semi-Slav Defensive
- Arturblunder
- BelaCasino
- Maturin74
Sicilian Defence (Black)
6 • Professionellster •- Sicilian Defense
- Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, English Attack
- Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, English Attack
- Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation, English Attack
- Professioneller
- Professionellster

London systom
1 • tenghung •- Teng0605 - yalyublyucccp2
- Teng0605 - mcgnargnar
- Teng0605 - haseef003
- Teng0605 - maxinesilver
- tenghung

Italian game
1 • tenghung •- Teng0605 - arturus_95
- Teng0605 - devanshu123999
- Teng0605 - Edu0926
- tenghung

Queens Gambit Declined (White)
5 • Professionellster •- Queens Gambit Declined
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense | 7. ... Nh5
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense | 7. ... c6
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack
- Professionellster