
( O ) Sicilian Defense, Opening Tree (Black)

5 • frizllie •
  1. Opening Position
  2. 2.Nf3 - Sicilian Defense: Open
  3. 2.Nf3 d6 - Sicilian Defense: Open, Modern
  4. 3.d4 - Sicilian Defense: Open, Modern, Continued Pt. 2
  1. frizllie

(In progress) Fight the Nimzo with 3. Bf4

2 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. CHAPTER 1.1 - 4... Nxd5
  3. 5... Bb4+
  4. 5... Bd6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan

1. d4 c5! - The Old Benoni Gambit

13 • tejas-kunduru •
  1. Introduction
  2. Attacking the e5 pawn.
  3. Defending the c5 pawn
  4. Ignoring the threat
  1. tejas-kunduru

1. g3: King‘s Indian Attack

18 • Issi09 •
  1. King‘s Indian Attack - first insight 1. g3 d5
  2. King's Indian Attack - Practice basics 1. g3 d5
  3. King's Indian Attack - possible sequels #1: 3. Bg2 Nc6
  4. King's Indian Attack - possible sequels #1: Practice
  1. Issi09

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black

823 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

508 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

10 Most Deadly Chess Opening Traps You Must Know

81 • pc2limliyuan •
  1. 1.King Pawn Game: Busch-Gass Gambit (C40)
  2. 2. Italian Game Classical Variation, Center Attack (C53)
  3. 3.Indian Game: Lazard Gambit (A45)
  4. 4. Budapest Defense: Fajarowicz Variation (A51)
  1. pc2limliyuan

19 Ponziani sucia Nivel Avanzado

5 • SamEnclaustrado •
  1. Intro
  2. Trap 1 : Weak a4-e8 diagonal
  3. Trap 2 : Weak a4-e8 diagonal #2
  4. Trap 3 : INSANE QUEEN SAC
  1. SamEnclaustrado

3 Golden Rules of Opening - KidsChessWorld

89 • sharath_dt •
  1. Center of the Board
  2. Which Knight is Powerful?
  3. Which Bishop is good?
  4. Which Rook is Good?
  1. sharath_dt


2 • Hyreon •
  1. Three-Check: Scandinavian Defense
  2. Three-Check: Pirc Defense
  1. Hyreon

40 Move Challenge

2 • NM Andnar •
  1. Andersen, Gunnar - Bagstad, Gary
  2. Krowczyk, Mark - Andersen, Gunnar
  3. Andersen, Gunnar - Langseth, Rhett
  4. Herman, Sara - Andersen, Gunnar
  1. BrianWall
  2. NM Andnar

6.Rg1 "Freak Attack" Black sicilian repertoire from Giri's Najdorf Chessable Course

13 • Iamamonkey •
  1. 9.g4
  2. 9.Qf3
  1. Iamamonkey

60 Bobby Fischer Games

2 • HappyBlink •
  1. Fischer - Sherwin [US] Too little, too late
  1. equeen
  2. HappyBlink

64 ways to trap your opponent in the opening

80 • loelschlaeger •
  1. Trap 01 (London System)
  2. Trap 02 (Ruy Lopez)
  3. Trap 03 (Englund Gambit)
  4. Trap 04 (Scotch Gambit)
  1. loelschlaeger

64 ways to trap your opponent in the opening

34 • SamEnclaustrado •
  1. Trap 01 (London System)
  2. Trap 02 (Ruy Lopez)
  3. Trap 03 (Englund Gambit)
  4. Trap 04 (Scotch Gambit)
  1. SamEnclaustrado

64 ways to trap your opponent in the opening

3 • TealOnlyCougar •
  1. Trap 01 (London System)
  2. Trap 02 (Ruy Lopez)
  3. Trap 03 (Englund Gambit)
  4. Trap 04 (Scotch Gambit)
  1. TealOnlyCougar