
shorbock's Study

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. shorbock

halloween gambit study

2 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  2. declined or giving back the piece
  3. 5...Ng6 Main line: euwe's refutation
  4. 5...Ng6 : other moves
  1. shorbock

morra gambit Nge7 line

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. shorbock

french wing gambit

1 • shorbock •
  1. declined
  2. 5...Nc6
  3. 5...Bxa3
  4. other black fifth moves
  1. shorbock

jaenish with d3

1 • shorbock •
  1. gambit accepted
  2. lines with Bc4
  1. shorbock

White vs caro kann : Ne5

1 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  1. shorbock

puzzles from my games

1 • shorbock •
  1. budapest defence
  1. shorbock

black epertoire vs scotch game

2 • shorbock •
  1. 4 knights scotch
  2. Bd3
  3. main line 6.e5
  1. shorbock

mes parties

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. shorbock

funny games i played on fb

1 • shorbock •
  1. traxler
  2. philidor
  1. shorbock

max lange

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. shorbock

Game study

1 • shorbock •
  1. doc_doom - shorbock
  1. shorbock

traxler game

1 • shorbock •
  1. mahdi1214 - shorbock
  1. shorbock

N4 2019

1 • shorbock •
  1. 13/10
  2. 18/11
  1. shorbock

budapest gambit

2 • shorbock •
  1. 4.Nf3 variation
  2. 4.Bf4
  3. 4.e4
  4. 4.Nh3 and other rare moves
  1. shorbock

N4 2020

1 • shorbock •
  1. 03/02
  2. 11/10/2020
  1. shorbock