
Miniatures (-20)

1 • shorbock •
  1. Bobbi999 (1907) - shorbock (1939)
  1. shorbock

mes parties : position intéressante ou pour exercices

1 • shorbock •
  1. ArnoJac (1707) - shorbock (1771)
  1. shorbock

Game study

1 • shorbock •
  1. ArnoJac (1707) - shorbock (1771)
  1. shorbock

jolies parties

1 • shorbock •
  1. shorbock (2035) - SiegfriedMeyer (1899)
  2. ricdac (1741) - shorbock (1743)
  3. shorbock (2022) - okkchess (1852)
  1. shorbock


1 • shorbock •
  1. shorbock (1887) - Arkiv (1112)
  2. shorbock (1887) - Arkiv (1112)
  3. Arkiv (1112) - shorbock (1887)
  4. shorbock (1887) - Arkiv (1112)
  1. shorbock
  2. Arkiv

Game study

1 • shorbock •
  1. shorbock (2328) - Anon.
  1. shorbock
  2. KurlyGTX

attacking the scandinavian

1 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  2. portuguese gambit
  1. shorbock

etude morra

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapitre : 1
  1. shorbock

livre : zenon franco chess self improvement

1 • shorbock •
  1. lasker-forgacs
  2. Chapitre : 2
  3. Chapitre : 3
  4. euwe - boleslavsky
  1. shorbock


1 • shorbock •
  1. Bvkiaki-s13 (1500) - ElectroNabes (1367)
  1. shorbock
  2. Bvkiaki-s13

anti blackmar-diemer : hubsh defence

1 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  2. 5.Bc4
  1. shorbock


1 • shorbock •
  1. Arkiv (1500) - shorbock (2292)
  2. chess-is-cool-bro3 (1729) - Arkiv (1500)
  3. MrGogsl (1715) - Arkiv (1500)
  4. shorbock (2292) - Arkiv (1500)
  1. shorbock
  2. Arkiv

bloc 50/50

1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapitre : 1
  1. shorbock

English opening for black 1...e5 : help from keres and kortchnoi

1 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  2. deviations on move 2
  3. deviations on move 3
  4. kortchnoi variation
  1. shorbock

Defeating the king's gambit with the Adelaide countergambit (in progress)

1 • shorbock •
  1. intro
  2. countering white's best line
  3. declined with d3
  4. Chapitre : 4
  1. shorbock


1 • shorbock •
  1. Chapitre : 1
  1. shorbock
  2. wyloxopp