
Play like a GM I

3 • Zher0 •
  1. theory of the middle game
  2. another game
  3. type 3
  4. quiet first complicated later
  1. Zher0

Play like a GM II

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  1. one stage plans
  2. realizing material advantage
  3. realizing positional advantage
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  1. Alekhine - Helling, Dresden 1936
  2. Najdorf - Averbach, Zurich, 1953
  3. Kotov - Gligoric, Zurich, 1953
  4. Botvinnik - Boleslavski, USSR, 1941
  1. Zher0

Combinational vision

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  1. Smyslov - Botvinnik, World Ch., 1958
  2. Koskinen - Kasman, Helsinki, 1967
  3. Rossolimo - Reissman, Puerto-Rico, 1967
  4. Kotov - Holmov, Moscow, 1972
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The Basic themes of combinations

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  1. Smothered mate
  2. The two back ranks
  3. The Windmill
  4. Weak back ranks
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Think like a GM

7 • Zher0 •
  1. Do you know how to analize?
  2. Historical digression
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chigorin - Tarrasch
  1. Zher0

Reassess your chess

5 • Zher0 •
  1. The thinking technique in action
  2. Calculation
  3. sometimes you have to calculate deeply
  4. Reti - Alekhine, Baden Baden, 1925
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The Bishop

10 • Zher0 •
  1. Trade off your bad bishop
  2. Make it good
  3. Make it active
  4. Bishops endgame
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The Knights

13 • Zher0 •
  1. Understanding the Knights
  2. Support points
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Knights vs Bishops

7 • Zher0 •
  1. Free your support points
  2. Open positions for Bishops
  3. find the weakness
  4. Use your bishop
  1. Zher0

Space... The final Frontier

3 • Zher0 •
  1. The Big squeeze
  2. What space advantage can do
  3. Tarrasch - Schlechter
  4. The Dark side of space
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The mystery of the centre

2 • Zher0 •
  1. The centre under siege
  2. Chapter 2
  3. The indestructible centre
  4. Chapter 4
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Weak Pawns - Strong Pawns

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  1. Doubled pawns
  2. Ugly doubled pawns
  3. Good doubled pawns
  4. more doubled pawns
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Weak Squares

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  1. The creation of a weakness
  2. Create a hole with a pawn
  3. Create a hole by exchange
  4. Create a hole by a threat
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Material loss and sacrifice

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  1. positional gains can get interrupted by materialism
  2. Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses
  3. sacrifices that lead to positional gains can fight for the initiative
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Initiative and a lead in development

6 • Zher0 •
  1. Static vs dynamic
  2. Dynamic vs Static
  3. find the imbalance or lose
  4. put pressure with dynamic imbalances
  1. Zher0