
Ruy Lopez

1 • Zher0 •
  1. 3rd move alternatives
  2. Schliemann variation
  3. Classical
  4. Berlin
  1. Zher0

chapter II - play in the centre

1 • Zher0 •
  1. The Benefits of controlling the center
  2. The better center pawn
  1. Zher0

Chapter I - weaknesses and strong points

2 • Zher0 •
  1. Pawns and weak squares
  2. Two weaknesses in the end
  1. Zher0

Sham Sacrifices

6 • Zher0 •
  1. Active and passive sacrifices
  2. 3 groups of sham sacrifices
  3. Positional sacrifice
  4. Positional sacrifice II
  1. Zher0

Real sacrifices

1 • Zher0 •
  1. The Sacrifice for development
  2. Sacrifices for development
  3. Sacrifices for development II
  4. The Obstructive Sac
  1. Zher0

Endgames De La villa Part II

1 • Zher0 •
  1. Lateral control POS 3.2
  2. Knight vs 7th-rank pawn POS 3.1
  3. The knights pawn 3.3
  4. The barrier 3.5
  1. Zher0

De La Villa: Rooks

3 • Zher0 •
  1. Kings do not Push. Just counting Pos 5.1
  2. Kings do not Push. Just counting Pos 5.1a (Black to move)
  3. Kings push ... a bit
  4. Defending king on the 3rd rank cut off along a rank
  1. Zher0

Rook endgames

2 • Zher0 •
  1. R vs lone pawn
  2. R vs lone pawn II
  3. The lucena position
  4. philidor with a passive rook
  1. Zher0

Bishop Endgames

1 • Zher0 •
  1. Barrier Reef
  2. Barrier Reefs II
  3. Bishops & Wrong Rook pawns
  1. Zher0

Knights in Endgames

2 • Zher0 •
  1. Knights hate Rook pawns
  2. Knights hate Rook pawns II
  3. Knights hate Rook pawns III
  1. Zher0

Minor Piece Endgames

1 • Zher0 •
  1. Staircase
  2. Box
  3. K,Q and R vs Lone K
  4. K and 2R vs lone K
  1. Zher0

King and pawn Endgames II

1 • Zher0 •
  1. Defying Euclid
  2. Defying Euclid again
  3. The Gentlemanly Art of Shoulder-Charging
  4. Another typical example
  1. Zher0

King and pawn Endgames

1 • Zher0 •
    1. Zher0

    The phases of the attack on the castled King

    2 • Zher0 •
    1. Assessment of preconditions and commitment
    2. partially fulfilled precon's
    3. fulfilled preconditions
    4. creation of preconditions
    1. Zher0

    Defending against the attack on the castled King

    6 • Zher0 •
    1. Defence by over-protection
    2. Defence by blockade
    3. Defence by elimination
    4. The King's Self-Defence
    1. Zher0

    Fianchettoed and queenside castling positions

    3 • Zher0 •
    1. Take out the Bishop
    2. Take out the Pawns in front of the Bishop
    3. Sacrificing the Knight on f5
    4. Remove the Bishop
    1. Zher0