
Ruy Lopez

1 • Zher0 •
  1. 3rd move alternatives
  2. Schliemann variation
  3. Classical
  4. Berlin
  1. Zher0

chapter II - play in the centre

1 • Zher0 •
  1. The Benefits of controlling the center
  2. The better center pawn
  1. Zher0

Files and diagonals in the attack on the castled king

13 • Zher0 •
  1. The role of the files in the attack of the castled king
  2. The Attack along the h-file
  3. a complex sacrificial combination
  4. Doubling heavy pieces on the h-file
  1. Zher0

Mating patterns

16 • Zher0 •
  1. Back Rank mate
  2. Loli's mate
  3. Loli's mate II
  4. Damiano's mate
  1. Zher0

Sham Sacrifices

6 • Zher0 •
  1. Active and passive sacrifices
  2. 3 groups of sham sacrifices
  3. Positional sacrifice
  4. Positional sacrifice II
  1. Zher0

Defending against the attack on the castled King

6 • Zher0 •
  1. Defence by over-protection
  2. Defence by blockade
  3. Defence by elimination
  4. The King's Self-Defence
  1. Zher0

De La Villa: Rooks

3 • Zher0 •
  1. Kings do not Push. Just counting Pos 5.1
  2. Kings do not Push. Just counting Pos 5.1a (Black to move)
  3. Kings push ... a bit
  4. Defending king on the 3rd rank cut off along a rank
  1. Zher0

The pawns in the attack on the castled King

4 • Zher0 •
  1. The Pawn centre
  2. The Flexible centre
  3. The Bayonet attack
  4. Another Bayonet attack
  1. Zher0

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

4 • Zher0 •
  1. The blow
  2. a rather natural position
  3. ... Kg8 is critical if the knight can reach f6
  4. ... Kg8 is critical if the diagonal is open
  1. Zher0

Chapter I - weaknesses and strong points

2 • Zher0 •
  1. Pawns and weak squares
  1. Zher0

Rook endgames

2 • Zher0 •
  1. R vs lone pawn
  2. R vs lone pawn II
  3. The lucena position
  4. philidor with a passive rook
  1. Zher0

Knights in Endgames

2 • Zher0 •
  1. Knights hate Rook pawns
  2. Knights hate Rook pawns II
  3. Knights hate Rook pawns III
  1. Zher0

Fianchettoed and queenside castling positions

3 • Zher0 •
  1. Take out the Bishop
  2. Take out the Pawns in front of the Bishop
  3. Sacrificing the Knight on f5
  4. Remove the Bishop
  1. Zher0

Pieces in the attack of the castled king

3 • Zher0 •
  1. Queen sacrifice
  2. Brilliant Queen sacrifice
  3. Another Queen sac
  4. Heavy pieces in the attack
  1. Zher0

The attack against the uncastled King

4 • Zher0 •
  1. uncastled king attack along the e-file
  2. opening the e-file
  3. make e2 the focal point
  4. play against a piece protecting the king
  1. Zher0

Real sacrifices

1 • Zher0 •
  1. The Sacrifice for development
  2. Sacrifices for development
  3. Sacrifices for development II
  4. The Obstructive Sac
  1. Zher0