
LFT Closed intermediate Quad #1

I'll prolly do quite a few more of these so let me know if you are interested! This one my goal was to get people as close to the 1900 classical rating as possible.

It will be 25+10 and will be a four-player double round-robin. I'll put the rounds as playing the same person twice in a row because that seems like the most reasonable way to do it with this time control.
Which color the players start with in each match should be random or whatever the players agree to.

Round one

@Gabrielcumming vs @coolchesscat1
@Dude128 vs @Natakial2

Round two

@Gabrielcumming vs @Dude128
@Natakial2 vs @coolchesscat1

Round three

@Dude128 vs @coolchesscat1
@Gabrielcumming vs @Natakial2

Good luck everyone!
2-0 For me, this was the good game I probably should have lost.

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