
v2.3.202 - full consolidation

So I spent the last few days going through all of the features and fixing issues I found. There are also some changes, so here is a list:
- the "no spoilers" feature for broadcasts has been removed, since a more complete version was implemented natively in Lichess
- the "Puzzle performance chart in Profile" was renamed as "Enhanced Puzzle Dashboard" to reflect the current functionality
- the "Puzzle history" feature will not be enabled by default, as there is already a puzzle history page from Lichess. This might still be useful to some, for esthetic reasons or because this also logs the puzzles one started, but never failed or completed successfully.
- fixed a nasty performance issue with bookmarks in large study chapters
- the "freeze board" feature now works again
- the Lichess expand/collapse menu entries will be removed if 1) auto expand is enabled (thus disabling the collapse functionality from Lichess) and 2) if "Remove superfluous" is enabled in "Extra context menu options"
- fixed some issues with study chapter splits on bookmark with deleting the moves from the original chapter
- the feed in the main lobby will replace the timeline, if timeline is hidden. When not logged in, this will happen automatically, as the timeline is not available anyway
- the Analysis board link now works with "from position" PGNs with no moves
- some stuff stopped working, like current game link and bookmark in TV or the standard buttons in mobile, because Lichess changed the UI a little, now it's solved
- a lot of minor bug fixes, new translations, more daily quotes, tools moves in the correct category and so on.

Things are better than expected :) Everything seems to still be working.

In the immediate future I have this plan:
- improve exploration and navigation in the preferences page
- this might mean changing the structure of tools, as well, so breaking changes in the user settings, but I plan to migrate them automatically
- maybe use the same page URL for preferences in logged in and logged out modes
- also considering moving LiChess Tools Preferences to the main menu directly, rather than just a tab in the main Preferences, where it's hard to find.
- since I would be introducing breaking changes, I would finally move the version to 2.4

Now, the question is HOW to improve the Preferences page? It's become huge and I have no magic bullets. My idea so far is to add "tags" to every tool and let people filter preferences in a contextual textbox, like Windows does it. That still means one needs to know what to search for, so perhaps something that allows selecting the existing tags from a list would help.

I was also considering a "tech tree" kind of interface, with preferences connected in a graph, but I think it's overkill. Maybe I will use something like this in the extension page or user manual. Maybe more "levels" of advanced preferences, so you would choose how many features to see: a few, medium, a lot, all. Another idea still was to remove all of the "minor" features and move them to a separate extension that people would choose to install or not. Do you like any of these ideas?

I would very much like to hear your experience with the Preferences page. I know at least one person chose to disable the extension than break their finger scrolling up and down that thing ;) If you have ideas for improvement, even better!

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